
Friday 4 October 2013

Night Workers and Sleep

It was in 1998 that I first wrote about the shift workers; the night workers and the impact that has on their bodies in terms of their health and well-being. Now the Japanese scientists are trying to counteract that with pharmaceutical drugs so that people work nights. The scientists say that a team at Kyoto University has found the clocks 'reset button' inside the brain. The study appeared in the Journal of Science. [1]

"Studies have shown that chronic jet lag and rotating shift work can increase an individual's risk of developing hypertension, obesity, and other metabolic disorders."  

If people work consistent night shifts it can impact on their well-being permanently. Humanity must do what is natural for the body, teshuvah to the sacred.

It is during the night time that the body rests so that it can be repaired and rejuvenated by the powerful dynamic healing system within.


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