
Tuesday 29 October 2013

Marketing and Relationships

Some Americans have a strange view of the word 'marketing' and what it involves.  So the question was posed, do you comprehend how each individual on the planet is involved in marketing? Do you know what your dad did to attract your mum? Do you know how he managed to marry her? Do you know what it was about your mum that attracted your dad? That's just for starters. 

So what makes you think that God is any different?

Seriously, can it be any more simple, then to seek within themselves and living, nature, nurture and environment? 1 Peter 2, pure spiritual milk for the babies. So then they ask for more understanding of the concept being shared. 

There are many different concepts, just like there are many different paintings, and relationships. So what makes the difference in a relationship that leads to marriage, and one that doesn't, do you know? What concept was right for a particular relationship that was successful, in a particular timeline? Do you know? Have you ever been successful, ponder upon what made it so. 

Some say that it is women that make the choice in the beginning and that many relationships just happen. Relationships in my life tended to just happen. However, in all cases they did the choosing, then I decided whether I chose to respond. However, just because I chose to respond, didn't mean that I allowed them to make it serious. If the intention is to spend your life with someone, then it has to be compatible, mind, body and soul. 

There was a case where her friends chose for us in their matchmaking, and it was his friends that impacted upon it and broke it apart. Can't have people happy just being, now can we. Big smiles! 

When people are young they tend not to think about the deeper consequences in relationships, I certainly didn't until I was involved. 

The same can be said for 'marketing' and operating your own business. Its only when you own your own business; that you comprehend the consequences in all areas of your lives. 

Starting your own business can also begin like starting a new relationship. Sometimes it just happens due to a series of coincidences that lead you to a particular conclusion. Its a learning curve, just like relationships can also be a learning curve.

Sometimes, the competitive world of business, is not compatible with the true essence of the purity of the being involved in it. Especially if it is a woman, a spiritual woman in her heart of integrity. 

Everything has its season. The same can be said for relationships. 

Who on earth in their right heart, would wish to be in a competitive relationship? When competition comes into a relationship, that is when it is already over. So it comes back to choices again, and if people choose to be number one in their partners lives. 

They say that relationships end, the way that they begin. That is certainly true.  If a man chooses to give up an existing relationship because he has chosen you. It is often the case that when he leaves, it is for the same reason, someone else is on the scene. 

However, afterwards, when his best friends tell you that he should have stayed with you, you quickly come to know what took place. Although at the time the reason wasn't obvious, due to the reason that he gave you. 

The same can happen in business, clients can leave your company because they thought the 'grass was greener', elsewhere. They soon came to know that it wasn't. However, they made their choices and then they couldn't turn the clock back. 

In marketing, that which is on the shelf has a life cycle. Only the classics outlive its competitors due to compatibility of being the best, beyond the life of many brands that come and go. 

The Son of Joseph, met his wife dancing, dancing was their mutual interest that bound them together. They danced through life together romantically, the RAB was an incurable romantic, and he used to sing love songs to her. He adored his wife and Lily used to say that they were more in love at 50, then they were when they got married.  Totally committed, totally devoted to each other. Of course, they had their ups and downs, but they always came through the storms together. 

Being with God is like that, we always come through the storms together. His love never waivers. 

He is constantly consistent. 

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