
Monday 14 October 2013


Following on from the post from the 9th October, 2013 about Asia-Pacifica. There is now news from Malaysia that was mentioned in the post about the visions that I had received. [1]

ABC News report that 'A Malaysian court has ruled that a Christian newspaper cannot use the word "Allah" to refer to God. The unanimous decision, by three Muslim judges in the appeals court, overturned a 2009 ruling by a lower court that allowed the Malay language version of the newspaper, The Herald, to use the word "Allah".

"The usage of the word Allah is not an integral part of the faith in Christianity," chief judge Mohamed Apandi Ali said."The usage of the word will cause confusion in the community."

The decision coincides with heightened ethnic and religious tensions in Malaysia after a polarising May election.' [2] 

That is excellent news because the wondrous woman from heaven is clothed in the sun and has the moon under her feet! 

This painting came in last night so I shall call it 'MALAYSIA'. 

I also had a dream this morning and in the dream I was at a farmhouse and Rupert Murdoch was there. He gave me a chocolate in a gold wrapping, it was about 2 inches long. I held the chocolate in my hand and he said 'Bet you don't know where this came from'. He was absolutely chuffed with his chocolates. On the gold wrapper it had the name 'PRESIDENT', and I knew that he had been given the chocolates by Obama. 

After that the ladies asked me if I knew who the man at the table was, and I said, 'yes, that is Rupert Murdoch.' I then told them the real life story of what he had done to the RAB, (the Son of Joseph) and what happened in the newspapers. 

Interesting that the news from Malaysia is also to do with the newspapers. One of my closest friends was born in Malaysia, and people have been talking about friendship today in the public domain. I shared with them that Jesus chose his companions for their integrity, and so do I. 

Although I did receive a briefing from Jesus about friendship, and his wise counsel and instruction was very wise indeed!  He always guides you in the right divine way. 



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