
Wednesday 16 October 2013


The 'eyes too pure' timeline as begun, first there was the 'Chalazion - Sensitive Eyes', now there is a report of a court case in Scotland to do with a man that was charged due to him staring at a female Scottish Minister, Nicola Sturgeon. Court papers claimed that the 47 year old man, Dogan Arsian had engaged in a course of conduct that caused 'fear and alarm'.  [1] Dear oh dear, whatever next? Scotland is clearly going the way of the USA, no wonder the meteor crystal spear was seen in Scotland.

Do politicians comprehend the importance of the alarm bell?

Hab 1:13  prophecy speaks of the time when the eyes of God are too pure to look upon what humanity does. Hab 1 is about the USA and it coincides with the prophecy of Obadiah, Rev 17 and 18. 

Hence, why the USA is experiencing what it is. Its also linked in with the movements of the planets and their influences. I did warn the people years ago, and asked them to concentrate and focus on the health and healing of the American peoples. 

You can be sure that the Brits will not allow its nation to become more like the USA. The alarm bells have been sounded all over Europe. The prophecies predict that the tribe of Joseph will be saved.

We are blessed that we have a rich history and cultures to sustain our knowing of what has taken place on our soil down the ages.  

A spiritual woman from Australia was writing about the word  'fear', is that the right terminology or is it an English translation of the word that appears in the bible? Do you know? Do you know that some words cannot be accurately translated into English? So translators took the nearest that they could come up with to describe specific words.

The bed covering mentioned in the prophecies 

How about the importance of the alarm bell of the soul?

Have you ever experienced the souls natural alarm bell when a person comes to your auric field? 

Have you ever been that close to death? 

My first memory of that alarm bell, I was just a child, just 13 years old. 

That alarm bell saved my life. 

Five years later, his mother and her sister died due to what he did to them. 

So can you move beyond where you are, and share with children to always listen to their alarm bells when they hear them being sounded. 

I experienced those alarm bells a few times in my life, each time they saved me. 

Its important that people listen to their souls and the warnings that the soul gives. For the Spirit knows what is good and what is pure, and that which is not. Only those of the light can hear the bells, and in the prophecies it also predicted that only 144,000 would hear the new song. 

Always remember lives can be saved many times over, if people listen and do the will of the heavenly Father. The prophecies also predicted what would happen to those that did not do as he asked in this timeline. 
I can put my hand on my heart, and say that after I surrendered to my soul, and the calling of the divine, I have always done my utmost to fulfill divine will, including at my own expense. 

I gave everything that I had to give, including my home, businesses, money, talents, skills, clothes, food, the benefit of life experience and everything that I had worked for professionally during my lifetime. I gave my heart to so many on the journey. Some said that they had never felt love like it before. That is because divine love is different to human love, and I wrote a book to explain the different types of love to help people to comprehend it. 


However, what do politicians and celebrities know about alarm bells? Don't they have bodyguards?

Your auric field is like your very own bodyguard, care fully for it and the light will always guide you to the right place at the right time. The clearer and purer your energy fields, the greater the help it can give you. As the Son of God once said, 'The soul is the lamp the lights the way'.

IMHV,  the holy Spirit will also take you away from people, situations and life conditions if they are not healthy for your being and purity. That often happens after people engage in a Reiki healing training course, due to the purification that takes place for those that are ready to receive it washing them clean once more.

The healing energies wash your auric fields and energy within like having a shower in the purest light. The power of real love consumes you in the light of it. After two days in the Reiki healing energy, students used to say, 'its like the light switch has been turned on, and I can see for the first time'. They had been blessed by the holy Spirit.

Onwards and upwards and may the will of the LORD be done.


The bible predicted that the winnowing fan would come, well she did arrive in perfect timing, Jesus comprehended the meaning of daughter Zion, daughter Jerusalem and what she would be involved in on the different spiritual paths in the last days of the end times.

The prophecies predicted that they would be shown new paths that they had not been shown before in this timeline. The prophets also predicted that the old heavens and earth would pass away and everything would be made anew.

The criteria was huge, and carefully laid out in the ancient texts; her whole life was described even the fact that she would be a professional writer during her life. As the LORD said 'By the time they find out what we have done, it will be too late for them to change it'. He is certainly in charge of the divine plan, and how it unfolded for yours truly.

Like Jesus himself he knew that she would have a strong connection with Greece due to the prophecy of Daniel about the Prince of Greece. Little did I know when I was young, that I would go there for the first time straight after I married Adam. Greece and its people always stayed in my heart after that. The Copts also knew that she would come and the last Egyptian pope spoke of it. This flame of Joseph was sent to Egypt and Israel twice. The LORD did keep his promise.

The Son of God understood the biblical prophecies about the Harp of Faithfulness, the overcomer, the woman that was mentioned in Rev 12, clothed in the sun with the moon under her feet. Micah 4 and Rev 12 overlapped in the timeline. Rev 12 was completed in December 2008.

Those that know, also know that the winnowing fan is the entrusted one. The one that was entrusted with Angels Healing Trust and the mission of compassion with children. She was also entrusted with the keys for healing consciousness, the keys of the kingdom of God and its divinity.

Prophet Hosea was correct the LORD did plant her in Jezreel and that took place in May 2006. That was when the mission with Israel and the Middle East began in all seriousness.  The following year the everlasting covenant for the children was delivered in divine will, that was also mentioned in the prophecies.

The sceptre leaving Judah was correct, the Jewish prophets were right and so was Jesus. Wisdom will be proven right by HER actions, wisdom will be proven right by her words. As the book of Revelation shared with its readers, he has a new name. A blessed divine instrument he is.

Blessings in abundance and love beyond measure


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