
Thursday 31 October 2013

Evangelicals -v- Christ Teachings

The young evangelicals asked me 'How do you disciple them to Jesus?'. They still don't get it do they? An American then asks who are they? Members of the Evangelical Churches. The American then responds some are trying. Yes, they're very 'trying'.

Thank goodness that the righteous have the patience of a saint integrated. Time for the 'evangelicals' to integrate what Jesus and Isaiah taught about the eunuchs. Jesus taught acceptance of them, Prophet Isaiah predicted that they would receive a new name. Well they did receive a new name, 'gay'.

Those that are worthy and can afford to do so, will fund and sponsor the healers as Jesus asked the worthy to do. As Jesus predicted, if they do not, then judgement is upon them in these last days of the end times. That doesn't only apply to those that call themselves Christians,  it also applies to the Jewish people in Israel. In fact, it applies to everyone including the Muslims.

A person can be an atheist, yet they still go for complimentary medicine, when orthodox medicine says there is nothing more that they can do to help the person.

This facility must be made available to all of the poor, freely. The great work of the healers must be funded, so that they can offer their services freely to those that choose to be helped.

Jesus trained his mystical healers in healing consciousness; so that the poor could have access to the healing energies, the correct and right solutions, that are divinely given in each unique case.

In equality, Jesus provided a philosophy that would ensure that the healers and complimentary medicine therapists were not hindered by any financial burdens, or taxes. He provided a way forward for the healers to have an income, so that they could help the poor freely.

He was fully aware that to raise the vibration of the people on the planet, you have to raise the vibration of the poor, by helping them with their healing process and well-being.

By offering the poor a choice of well-being and wholeness freely, at the same time the healers got paid to do so. He did not wish for the poor to pay for that which was to be given freely. However, at the same time he was fully aware that his true followers had to be fed, clothed and have somewhere to live freely.

As such, he developed a righteous exchange. The healers were sent out to help, while the worthy people with money; chose to fund those that were happy to help the poor. In their giving, it enabled the healers to give of their time, service to humanity, and all that comes with that.

When Jesus gave healing to the poor it was unconditional love and compassionate action, the great work that is also called zealous. He did not make the poor become disciples of him, he always allowed people to come to him naturally. He allowed their hearts to compel them; to follow him home to the heavenly Father, just like he did with me. However, he was also fully aware of the spiritual law that pertains to giving.

The more that people give to the healing of humanity, in a practical way, the more they are helped to break the never ending life cycles. Then the ascent comes to be for everyone. For the people to have equality, they must have access to the healers of humanity, and its self-development facilitators for free.

What we require is large homes donated whereby healers can live, work, teach and provide healing retreats for the poor, for free. Nothing to do with government rules and regulations. This is the alternative to what governments and its MP's have co-created in the last 100 years. 

The healers of humanity, are to always retain their spiritual freedom, the very best of them are miracle workers. The healers shall not bow to any agency, institution, or charitable organization. They are divinely led to follow their hearts.

In olden days, large estates were left to charities like Barnado’s, those estates were meant to help the children. What did Barnado's do with those beautiful historical estates? They sold them off to property developers. Was that the intention of the givers?

Some health conditions are very serious, as such, they require intensive care with more than one healer at a time. 
We require holistic teams to come together, to work together, to help the poor.

There are more holistic healers than there are GP's. How is it that the GP's have all of the financial budget that is paid in taxes, and the holistic healers have none? How is that the rich give legacies to the Churches, and none to the holistic healers? Do you know what the biblical prophecies say about what will happen to the Churches in the last day of the end times?

Wisdom has had enough.

Now an American Christian is telling the people that all will be forgiven. Is what the American Christian wrote, true? No. 

Jesus predicted that the judgement would come in the last days of the end times, on all of those towns that did not fund and sponsor his healers. So you could say that humanity have co-created the judgement for themselves. Due to their lack of giving to those that specialize in health, healing and well-being in a divine way. He wasn't just talking about Israel either, he knew that the healers and complimentary medicine therapists would be spread abroad across the nations. 

They have had plenty of opportunities in recent decades to get it right; and be in the right conduct of the righteous. 

The Dalai Lama was also correct, when he said 'Humanity will not survive without compassion.'  

Healing the poor, is a crucial part of compassionate action. Giving the poor the right healing food, is also essential for their health and well-being. Only the real healers, with loving healing hands, can give the right healing food to the poor. When they require it, it is divinely inspired, and lovingly compelled. 

I am not talking about food banks, I am talking about healers actually cooking healing recipes; with the right nutrients for those that are experiencing health issues. I speak of a complete holistic healing approach, and philosophy for healing consciousness and all that it includes. Mind, Body and Soul. 

Those that have worked intensively, helping the poor, mercifully, comprehend where I am coming from. Those that have received healing from these healing hands; know the heart of the giver. 


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