
Tuesday 1 October 2013

Christabel Message

Last nights painting, and I have called it nature after mother nature. In the early hours of the morning I wrote about Mother Earth and when does she stop giving?


I sense that humanity are going to find out. When a pregnant mother gives her body to carry a child. After nine months she gets her body back. Although the breast feeding carries on for as long as she is able or willing. 

When the breast feeding finishes then she can and does renew herself. It is often the case that a new mother will have a new hair cut, and some new clothes if she can afford it. Things are made anew. Mum carries on giving to her child in different ways until they are grown up and can fend for themselves. 

Humanity has had plenty of time to mature emotionally and spiritually. In fact humanity has had thousands of years to take care of the planet on which they live, and that which they depend on for everything to sustain them on a physical level. 

Sometimes the mother pushes the chicks out of the nest, so that they can learn to fly on their own. Some live and some die. Sometimes Mother Earth pushes people off the planet altogether when she has had enough. The same can happen with friendships, alliances and relationships, when a woman has had enough. They're pushed out of her life. The planet will survive, the question is how many of humanity will? 

The USA has the largest incidence of 'heart disease'. I wonder why! 

The other evening I bumped into an acquaintance that is doing his training to become a barrister. He has had two heart attacks already. He joked at how he was in hospital with another friend of ours who also had a heart attack. They ended up in beds next to each other. We had a good laugh about it. 

However, are these men prepared to put the effort in to heal their hearts? To solve the root causes of the core issues? These two men were men of wealth, what have they given during their lives to help those less well off than themselves? 

The spiritual law has a great way of giving nations and its people what they deserve. Plenty of wake up calls that get more and more serious. Until the time comes when people truly wake up to their co-creation.

The prophecies predicted what would happen to those that were merciful, for they shall receive mercy and so they did and still do. 

There is a shock coming, I have seen the floods and a big explosion caused by it. I have also seen an explosion that creates floods. 

So when does mother earth stop giving Saudi? When your oil dries up? Did you press too many olives Greece? How about the grapes Italy? Did humanity gain enough mystics and healers to satisfy it? Will the Church stop creating the 'act of depression' now? How about its governments and policy makers? 

When I woke up today the one known as Jesus said 'Christabel' sometimes he refers to me as 'Christabel' affectionately when he is close to me.  So I looked at the news to see what's what, there you go, a message from the conservationists. They have set off the alarms bells over a single little terrapin that they have found in London Regents Canal. [2]

They are concerned that the terrapins have bred in the heat of this summer, and that the terrapin that originates from the USA can impact on the British wildlife. We all know how many Americans feel about their constitution. However, the turtle is also the symbol chosen by the Native Americans and  conservationists; and Mother nature does work in amazing ways.

Christabel was also the name of a well known socialist in the UK. Christabel was the daughter of Emmeline Pankhurst and her Father Richard. She was born on the 22nd September Old Trafford, in Manchester. The 22nd of September was the 'Day of Restless Drive'. She is a part of British history and its culture She passed over on my fourth birthday the 13th February, 1958.

While I was writing this blog post, a young bodyworker phoned, we're moving in the right direction.

Interesting that the scientists like the Lotus Effect of self-cleaning. However, it is important that people are shown how to do it. Spiritual psychology does offer people a simple and easy way to process what is required to be processed within themselves. The body was made to process food and not to eat processed foods. So what food do you choose to eat? That which is fresh and organically grown or its opposite?

It is a well known fact amongst serious spirituality, that 10% of spiritual people are developed directly by the divine, they received divine training. The bible did predict that some would be divinely trained this way. Why is that? So that those that were trained by the divine could impart the very best of techniques to help humanity to make a breakthrough. So that humanity would know the difference between those that have grown naturally with the divine compared with those that were not.

Some great food has been provided by a great cook, and you can be sure there are more recipes for success coming.

Are you a symptom of your success? Is your life a parable?

We shall help the young ones to become miracle workers, the spiritual elders will fulfill their mission to help the younger ones to take the work forward to a new generation. The young ones will replenish the spiritual elders, our saints are coming through.

So yes Christabel will make the right sound.




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