
Wednesday 2 October 2013

Christabel Energy Human Rights

Those that stood for human rights they called 'Militants' in the time of Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst. The Christabel energy is part of the British history and culture, its no surprise to me that Christabel passed over on my birthday, the 13th of February.

The teachers are on strike, and over a 1,000 schools are closed. It was a few years ago now when the heavenly Father said 'No School, Schools Out'. It was published on our previous blog.

The numeric of 1,000 is also to do with Joseph in the Dead Sea Scrolls and England is the land of Joseph and its flame of love.

The teachers of this country stand against the war against Syria, they also stand against what the current British government are doing to the poorest of our nation.

The Christabel energy is very strong in this nation, and my heart tells me that it always will be. The Celts are certainly arising once more.

In 1974, there was a series on TV called 'Shoulder to Shoulder' and it was about the Suffragettes and what they experienced.  You may like to view it on youtube if you wish to acquaint yourself with British history. Those women that made a difference to a country in which British women and children live. The women stood against war then, just as they do today. It has been a long haul to ensure that the men stop doing what they are doing; without the consent of the people.

Last night, this empath picked up on a feeling of 'tentative', 'apprehensive' its was all around the heart. People like teachers often feel like that when they go on strike, especially if it is going to impact on public services. However, the people have no choice but to stand up to the government consistently, the pressure must be on the public servants not the people that they get paid to serve. Yea, grace has been under pressure for a very long time; but the tables have indeed turned in the will of God. The winds of change can be seen in the UK right now.

What I was picking up last night energetically wasn't on the edge of the seat type feeling, it was the feeling of a major test. A test of where people are coming from, a test of pure intention, and a heart of conscience. After all the point of the sword of truth is to prick the hearts of conscience of those that are sleeping. It felt like people were waiting to see what happens like waiting for a revelation.

After I had shared what I was picking up on, I heard military aircraft overhead, like helicopters they were really loud. It was about 1am in the morning. I opened the window to see what I could see, I continued to hear the aircraft overhead. After I closed the window, the sound went on for ages and ages, there must have been tons of the aircraft leaving the USAF air bases in England. Where were they going? Syria? The only time you hear that amount of aircraft leaving is when there is going to be a war.

The last time that I heard aircraft like that leaving was just before the war against Libya.

As far as the USAF is concerned, it is time that it leaves the land of England. The land that is in beautiful countryside, amongst farming land, must be returned to the indigenous people of the nation. The American military must leave the shores of the UK immediately, and not return to it.

As I am writing this I am being told that there has been a major cover-up. However, as we know the prophecies predicted by Jesus predicted that everything will come into the light of day, all will be disclosed in this timeline. 

While making coffee just now, I saw two white doves on the fence, the two doves were talking to each other, then one flew away. A dove on Joseph's staff depicts the husband of a pure Virgin. The dove sits in the tree of life and it is an emblem of Venus, USHA, the divine court. A symbol of the Holy Spirit and the divine feminine. 


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