
Sunday 22 September 2013

Your Life is a Parable

On Saturday evening HaShem said 'Your Life is a parable' and as we know parables are given to those that can comprehend them. 

It is written that the word 'parable' comes from the Greek word 'parabole' meaning 'comparison' or 'illustration'. [1] It is a short story that illustrates universal truth, a simple narrative. It can give a setting, describes an action, and can show the results. Like sharing a picture that tells a thousand words. When you share your life with others it helps them to comprehend their own lives. They find their own message in your words. There have been times in my life when people have said to me "I didn't understand at the time when you shared that with me, but I do now". 

Parables are favored in the expression of spiritual concepts and experiences. [2] Some say that the parables began with the parables of Jesus. However, in the OT we find the parable of the ewe-lamb told by Nathan. So parables certainly existed prior to Jesus and his life, its just that the Son of God had a great way of telling them, and he knew that his choice of subject matter was paramount for the mystics and healers that he knew would follow him home. 

Mystics down the ages shared in this way, it was natural and important for them to express the energy. Hence, Sufi mystics were also great story tellers of life experience in the same way that the indigenous peoples are as well. Probably, the most well known is the Native Americans, their lives and what happened to them have certainly been a parable of morality for humanity; in regards to what is ethical and honorable and that which is not. 

However, they survived and it is often the case that the survivors become healers of humanity. Hence why it is mentioned in Joel 2. It is natural for Native Americans to be shamanic healers, it is their roots. It is also the roots of the desert Hebrews and Celtics as well. 

As far as the empaths are concerned, I feel that much more should share together, to help each other at this crucial time. Support is there when the healers and empaths support each other with their experiences. The more spiritual experience a person has; the more clarity they can offer others on their journey. 

For instance some empaths have dreams yet they do not associate it with what is happening with humanity and different events. Some dreams can be for the self healing, some can be warnings for humanity. Its important that people comprehend them so that they can understand the difference between them. 

A Reiki Master, an empath wrote; 'I feel inflicted upon'. I was compelled to give him this response. 

It is really important that you share your experiences, express it, then your energy is raised up once it is expressed. You are being compelled to express what the empath is sentient to. 

The sheer power of the energy that is coming through us has to be expressed. If you have a blog or website, you can express it there. It can help others to understand their own experiences. As we know there are many people that are sensitives, yet, not all of them have become healers. Hence, they require help to comprehend what they are feeling on a planetary level. 

Allow your lives to be a parable. Record your experiences to help others at this time. The energy must be expressed due to the power of its love. That is why she writes and writes, she has to express it fully, she has to allow her life to be the parable it was born to be. 



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