
Tuesday 3 September 2013

Tomorrow Never Knows

Today I posted the song 'Tomorrow never knows', as I am typing this blue lights sparkled on my right hand. In the link provided, it shares with you how the basis of the song is related to the 'Tibetan Book of the Dead'. Interesting how the commentators of the song shorten it to TNK, how amazing is that! [1]

Yes, remember how many Tibetans and Buddhists that embraced compassion and mercy have died; for we shall not forget them. We shall never forget those that we hold in our hearts. The song was released in 1966, and I received a message about that following some visions that I received of a 'gas mask' big enough for a child.

My own mother Lily had a 'gas mask' when she was a child during WW2. All her hair fell out when the children were sent away to what was called 'evacuation' in Norfolk. At that time her mother Sophia and her mother, then decided to bring her home. The family decided that if they were going to die, then they would all die together. They simply could not leave her, on her own to become an orphan. 

Apostle James spoke about 'Tomorrow' and gave advice on what to say, 'If it is the LORD's will, we will live and do this or that'. James 4:15. The family were safe in London, and they did live. Although many bombs dropped upon it. 

They could not leave the child 'fretting' until after the war was over. The family that she was staying with were very good to her, they treated her as their own children. She stayed close to them and always stayed in touch with them during her life. A little child, the huge impact that WW2 had on her whole life, health and well-being. Being sent away from her mother at such a young age; impacted on her consciousness throughout her life and 'disease' was the result. It included 'arthritus in her back'; and also 'high blood pressure' due to her 'grief' that she did not heal.

Lily was interested in spirituality and the after-life.  She received healing at the Christian Spiritualist Church from the healers there. Although she was a Sunday school teacher prior to her marriage. 

When I visited the Christian Spiritualist Church, I did not see them sharing the true Christ teachings of self-development there either. At least the Christian Spiritualists did embrace reincarnation, proving life after death, and gave healing to those that required it for a donation.  They did fulfill their purpose, in opening up the Christian view of spirituality to counteract what the orthodox Christians were doing internationally. 

The original post '1966 Dancing on a Cold Wind', [2] mentions many aspects that can be reviewed.

I was only a child when the Beatles brought out the album 'Revolver. So it is interesting to listen to their music and lyrics again, in light of current world events. In Western nations, we tend to view the 'Revolver', as a 'weapon', of the USA and as we know it was the USA that co-created the war against the people of Vietnam. Russell Means used to say that America have been at war every year since its conception. What a legacy to have as a nation? A cultural heritage of war, a nation that has supported it even though millions have died due to it. Is it any surprise that Obama is the President of that nation? The 'Pharaoh' that is mentioned in the Qu'ranic prophecy about the last days of the end times. 

And yet, we still find that there are people in America, that still support the continuation of it, and its successive administration's. I can see that it was while I was campaigning against the re-election of President Bush, that my willingness to do 'administration', began to stop. The word 'administration' became associated with 'war'. and what that co-creates. I was consciously saying, 'No!' as a conscientious objector in all realities of administration.

To the orthodox Christians I have this to say to you, Micah 4, tells you all to lay down your weapons of war, in this timeline. 

If the USA does not do so, then it will face the consequences that will be; beyond measure. I will say the same to the Arab league as well. Your time is up, the world has seriously had enough!

In the book of Exodus, it is written: 'The LORD set a time and said,  'Tomorrow the LORD will do this in the land'. Exodus 9:5. Aaron said 'Tomorrow there will be a festival to the LORD'. Exodus 32:5. 

Once a upon a time there was a friend that was admiring my life and marriage. I turned to her and said 'You never know what is around the corner'. She didn't know that Jesus would make that call, she did not know that in the years that followed; the heavenly Father, the LORD would also summon the one that she admired.

However, Jesus, the Son of God, once said to me 'In your heart you know'. 



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