
Monday 23 September 2013

R.I.P Joshua

Last week when I woke up the heavenly Father said 'HaShem' and so it is I am looking at the names of people that are in the news.  Last night there was news that a young rapper, Joshua  died after a tribute event for another youngster who died due to a 'knife crime'. 

Joshua Ribera was only 18 years old, just a child, and my heart went out to his mother and family, may they be comforted at this time.   Joshua's stage name was 'Depzman'. The very least I can do is honor his name with an RIP. 


This video of Joshua was filmed by SBTV in 2012. He sang about his dream, his family, and what inspired his heart to rap. At the start of the video it mentions that he went to Spain.

Last night before rest I prayed for the children of our nations; and I asked HaShem how many more children? How many more before humanity will be ready for the solution? 

The earth will disclose the blood shed on it; the earth will conceal its slain no longer.' Isaiah 26:21

'When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained.' Rev 6:9

When I wept between the altar and portico for our people and children recently, there was a man of color standing there giving a sermon about celestial beings.

Was he telling the congregation the truth? Why was he not weeping for the children of our nations; like their parents are weeping for the children? Sadly, 'knife crime', is increasing in the UK not decreasing. It has been socially engineered to keep the nation in 'captivity'. As the heavenly Father said in 2007, 'Let my people go'. 

The 20th September was the 'Day of Manager', so where were the bodyguards? 

Joshua will always be loved, and in my heart I know, that Whitney is there for the children in Spirit.

Light a candle for Joshua


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