
Saturday 28 September 2013

C1.Q28 USA "Mortal Quarrel"

This quatrain from Nostradamus is clearly about the USA. 


The tower of Bouc will fear the Barbarian foist,
then much later, the Hesperian bark:
Cattle, people, chattels, both cause great waste,
bull and balance, what a mortal quarrel!

However, if you look at the original translation of the words 'bull and balance', the words that were written by the Christian mystic say 'taurus and libra'.  As we say in England 'like a bull in a China shop'. Libra loves balance, harmony and justice. Saving for a rainy day, Taurus tend to do the opposite, they like to spend, spend, spend, they like their home comforts and luxuries. As we know the bull is to do with the markets, and the USA has certainly not balanced the books and accounts. Nor is the USA, its corporations or its people aligned with the spiritual law. 

The symbol of Libra is the scales of justice, and Taurus the bull is also symbolic of an animal that has been traditionally eaten in the USA in large quantities. 

The cattle are a key issue in more ways than one. Just noticed that the Monsanto Cows are filled with a 'toxic glyphosate' (Roundup) and research shows that it is 'harming' the dairy cows. [2] Advance warnings were given about eating meat, especially red meat. Advance warnings were also given to Americans about the sheer amount of 'waste' that takes place in their nation. 

Hence the 'mortal quarrel', due to the 'great waste'. 



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