
Friday 9 August 2013


The Labor party spent £4 for every £3 it received in taxes. Introduced over 100 'stealth taxes' that impact on the poorest in the community. Then they sold the gold of the nation to prop up the Euro and the British Isles are not even in the Euro. The previous government left the people of the nation in huge debt. The prophets warned time and time again, 'not to oppress the widows and the fatherless'. So who was held responsible by the men of this country? Where was the justice? Does the justice system have any value in the UK? Very little. Where are the human rights lawyers? 


Those that are campaigning for the disabled have this to say to them all.

'Council tax prosecutions that persecute the poorest are a disgrace, says disability campaigner'
Jesus predicted that this would happen in the timeline, did the people listen? 

David Cameron is telling the social networks to 'clean up their act', what does that tell us about David Cameron? The British government are 'oppressing the poor and the fatherless'. Prophet Nehemiah also forbid any interest to be paid. 

I spoke to someone the other day and he confirmed that all the money raised from council tax goes straight to central government. I asked him who is pulling the strings? 

The councils raise money to support themselves through parking tickets. 

As such, local councils are nothing more than 'tax collectors' for big government that pay themselves large wages and live in homes with multiple 'empty' rooms. Just like Elizabeth and the rest of family do. 

Have you had enough yet? 

How many more suicides will be procured by the British government, its monarchy, judges and magistrates?

At the moment it is one a month. 

How many suicides and homeless people is enough? 

How many towns and cities have to be burnt to the ground before the people will shift their butts? 

Does it feel great to be a Brit? 

More 'social engineering' from the British government and its supporters. So let's have some Justice shall we? 

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