
Wednesday 14 August 2013


Two people have died in Turkey while 'dismantling the Love Boat'. Most well known to the Americans from the 1970's TV series. USA today state that ABC's 'The Love Boat' television series gained worldwide fame'. Sad then when they dismantle such a ship, that could have been part of the American heritage if it had been docked in the USA. So much could have been done with that cruise ship, could you just imagine the joy it could have given to children in the USA? An historical part of American culture, just like the 'Bluenose' tall ship was part of Canada's history.

Why did Americans allow the 'Love Boat' to go to the 'scrap yard'? A love boat that was filled with romantic adventures. Does America preserve anything of value? Does Turkey? What value is love to America and Turkey? What value is love to the world that does its utmost to dismantle it? What value is the holy mariner to those that do not wish to board the love boat, and keep its existence for future generations to enjoy?

See what happens when people 'dismantle' a Love Boat? People die.

'as when a hungry person dreams of eating, but awakens hungry still; as when a thirsty person dreams of drinking, but awakens faint and thirsty still. So will it be with the hordes of all the nations that fight against Mount Zion.' Isaiah 29:8


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