
Monday 12 August 2013

'Heartbreak Cafe'

On the 8th of August, 2013 I wrote that had been feeling its planetary energy for a couple of days. Then the heavenly Father said 'Heartbreak Cafe'. The following day there was news about how another child had died due to cyberbullying on the internet and yesterday there was the news about the R&B singer, Chris Brown. My response to recent events was to call to bring the light forth for justice to be done. However, the prophecies state that justice will be done through 'Faithfulness', the 'Harp of Faithfulness'.

Canadian folk singer,  Stan Rogers sang this lovely song, 'Song of the Candle'. May he R.I.P.

There are many cafes on the internet just like there are in your local community. In my experience, hearts that have been 'broken' tend to gather together in the 'Heartbreak Cafe'. Of course, the heavenly Father also sends his healers to help people to heal their hearts so that they can move forward in a good way. Many people have moved on, many people have made changes in their lives. After three years in one place, it is time for me to move on to the next phase of the divine plan. 

I noticed today, the Telegraph featured another article about the bible and its English Christians. It was written by a Scottish author, Allan Massie, the article is called ‘We can’t cast away our bible’.

This was a comment from a reader in response to it.

The Bible is what informed us when we overthrew that man of blood Charles Stuart and his foolish court in 1646 & 1648. The Bible is the book of liberation for the English people. To remove this book is to remove the potential for a popular revolution in this country. The book must remain and stand as a warning to the political class and their incipient Gestapos that the people of this land have a conscience and expect good governance. Where does it say that there are two types of human: one to serve and pay and the other to rule and waste?

The other day I noticed that the British government have given another £10m to the academics for research. They do like the shuffling of papers that takes decades to get anything done. As we know the bible was removed from the magistrates courts, the bible stands against the so-called magistrates and man’s judges. I said to a friend the other day, the Christians have a manifesto, they don’t have a choice.

Then yesterday, the heavenly Father said ‘You have a mandate’ and in Christian theology that means the Christians have to obey the will of the LORD. If they do not, then they’re not truly Christians.

I wish America well with its future. However, the fact that WND are selling gas masks to Americans, and a child dies every two hours due to gun shot wounds, I have to say that the future does look bleak for the USA. That is why the heavenly Father sent his 'Harp of Faithfulness' to help them. Daughter Zion, the watchtower for the flock. Micah 4. That prophecy does indicate that their weapons will be removed, and to be honest that can only be a good thing. For truly weapons and guns cannot change their reality into a good one; due to the impact that it has on the vibration of the planet. 

Gandhi and his followers did not require guns to kick out the British government and its colonials. That is the difference between the spiritual and those that support gun ownership. Jesus predicted that those that live by the sword, will die by the sword. In other words, people shall reap what they have sown. 

The prophecy of Obadiah predicts that the land of Esau (USA) will become 'stubble.'  America cries deep inside, and it is evident when you are in their company,  yet many Americans are not facing up to it, or their own hearts. Its hard for some to accept, that the Russians are telling the Americans to grow up. The next G20 meeting in St Petersburg is bound to be 'frosty' between Putin and Obama over the Snowden affair. 

However, as I said to a friend the timeline of the whistleblower was bound to happen during the
'Saturn in Scorpio' transit, and I am certainly blowing the whistle again. They were given the yellow card, the red card, the green card, the blue card, and now some are leaving the field and their observation of it. When Lotus blows the whistle they know what it means. Time is up!

That which is above, the heavenly is being fastened, the heavenly Father is very determined and as he said 'You have a mandate'. I was really pleased about the good news from India, where the tribesmen had won to save their rain forests. The light and love of our support for the indigenous peoples and the eco-system of the planet is fastened. 

The term' Heartbreak Cafe', reminds me of the song from the Eagles, Hotel California. I also noticed that 'Goldie Hawn' and her partner have left Malibu, so have many others. Depp is also talking about leaving films, leaving the Hollywood of the 'Heartbreak Cafe'. Clearly, they have seen that the writing is on the wall!

After the above had been written, I went to make a drink, and the heavenly Father said 'Immaculate'.

Immaculate is the name of a design company in the UK, and Imac reminds me of the Apple computers and what I must do.

More news about the 'Bluenose' and what happened to it, when the men cried over her.

1 comment:

  1. And Sky News presenter Kay Burley said: "My heart breaks for the family of our friend Mick Deane killed today in Cairo. A true gentlemen. It was an honour to have known him."
