
Thursday 15 August 2013

Ecuador New Species

On the 11th of August I posted a painting and I called it 'Soya'. Now there is news of a new species that has been discovered in Ecuador. It is described as a cross between a 'teddy bear and a house cat'. It is described as a 'small raccoon-like animal with a prehensile tail.'.

Picture courtesy of 'The Independent'. [2] 

'The animal is said to be omnivorous, eating fruits such as figs as well as nectar and insects. It is a solitary animal, nocturnal, and like humans generally produces a single offspring at a time.'  


In 2011, I was given a vision of a raccoon and then a vision of a centurion. [3] Did raccoons originate in Ecuador? Is that why we have this new species now coming from Ecuador?  I feel the heat of the Christ energy, and that says yes to me. Powerful Christ energy in Ecuador, and that reminds me of how Ecuador stepped up to help Julian Assange who is like a centurion defending humanity. Funny, how it was when I was in Australia that the centurion showed himself to me, and Assange is a defender. 




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