
Thursday 8 August 2013


Last night I was about to get into bed and I heard a whisper, DARIUS, I asked when and where? There was no response. There is a Darius Campbell, a Scottish singer-songwriter and this song is called 'Live Twice'. You will see that he is sitting on some steps and Prophet Isaiah said that the 'steps are a sign'. The first house that I bought with Adam was close to some ancient steps in an ancient town. In this video you will see that Darius is carrying a rosary, there is a turtledove and a white horse. He is also wearing a ring on his little finger and a bracelet just like the RAB wore. The RAB wore a small diamond ring on his little finger and his middle name was Alexander. A message from his father Joseph. 

I also have a connection with the Campbell castle in Scotland. There are two burns there, on one side of the castle it is the 'burn of sorrow', on the other side it is the 'burn of care'. Michael also used the name 'Campbell' in the public domain, and this year was the third anniversary of his passing. 

Darius Campbell is an Ambassador for the Princes Trust that funds young ones to start their own business. They are given grants that have to be paid back, a heavy burden for a young one when they start a business. If there is one thing that I did learn very early on in business, cashflow is king. Make sure it is your own money, and not borrowed money on high interest rates. Prophet Nehemiah forbid interest to be charged. 

The name Darius can be found in Persia to do with its kings. King Darius was in a war against the Greeks, Alexander wore the shield of achilles and he won. Alexander was kind to the mother and wife of Darius after he left them near the battlefield.

I wrote the other day that my achilles heel is the children, and the Catholics comprehended the woman mentioned in Genesis. However, it was not Mother Mary, because the woman mentioned in the book of Genesis is also shiloh. It predicted that when shiloh come the sceptre would leave Judah. Prophet Isaiah knew that the people would refuse her gentle water being the Aquarian water bearer of the humanitarian and healer. Also she is a woman and people like a man. Prophet Isaiah predicted that the children would then come with signs and symbols and it would be a sign for Israel. Isaiah 8. Isaiah also spoke of the testimony of warning, and what would happen if they did not seek it.

The RAB, the Son of Joseph was a great leader of men, he was a great defender, that is why they did their utmost to remove him. He could move mountains. However, they found his achilles heel, and that was his wife. The same could be said for a lot of men, their life partner is their only 'weakness', when they allow their resolve to be 'weakened' in a close love relationship. Another reason why the heavenly Father set me apart from others, it was important that the heavenly Father had my total commitment, due to the sheer importance of the timeline. The 'Harp of Faithfulness', had to be fully with the LORD 24/7.

The word 'Darius' is from the Persian word 'Daruish', and it means 'He possesses' or 'rich', and 'kingly'. Apparently there was also a character in the film 'Hunger Game', called 'Darius'. Although I haven't seen the film. Hunger also relates to the prophecy of Isaiah 8, and there are many people who hunger in Greece at this time. The last time that I was in Greece, there were also Iranians there that had been given European passports. Hence when they come into Europe, with a French, or Italian passport, you do not know what nationality they are.

The LORD showed me many things on the journey of life, in different locations. Everything that he wished for me to see and know from personal experience. In fact, it was while I was in Greece, that I was given a golden celestial lance. A celestial lance of truth that could keep certain people at a distance from me. It was important that what had to be done, was carried out in perfect timing.

I view the whisper of Darius as being symbolic of an intention of war due to its connection with Iran. However, Iran cannot win, and nor can Islam. On the face of the tomb of Darius it is in the shape of a cross. His religion was the spirituality of the Persian Prophet Zoroaster and its Ahura Mazda. During his life Darius built a lot in Egypt, and restored ancient sites. You can comprehend the importance of Greece and Egypt to the strategic plan of Islam.

Prophet Ezra mentioned 'Darius', in chapter 5 and how the 'eye of elohiym was watching over the elders of the Jews.' Ezra 5:5. When I was in Greece, the heavenly Father said 'EZRA', and it means 'God helps'.

In the book of Daniel, 'Darius the mede' took over the kingdom at the age of 62. As we know, there is a new president of Iran. Dan 5:31 In Dan 11:1, Darius the mede, he is protected for the first year in office. Prophet Zechariah then speaks of the eight month in the second year. Zech 1:1. A year from now takes us to August 2014, two years to 2015 and that will be an 8 year of major transformation.

Zechariah 7:1 then mentions the 4th year of King Darius and that would be 2017, = 10 = wheel of fortune, and a new cycle of time.

Three days ago it was reported that 'Hassan Rouhani' had taken over as President of Iran and he is 64 years old. He was born on the 12th November 1948. The 12th of November is the 'Day of Charisma'. He is a Scorpio III, born in the week of 'Charm' and the bible certainly warns about that. He has been elected in the Chinese Year of the 'Black Water Snake', and he is another lawyer like Obama.

He was born in the 'Chinese Year of the Rat', and in 2008, we warned the people about cultural genocide that is taking place in the nations.

During his academic education he studied in Glasgow, at the Glasgow Caledonian University, that is the link with Scotland. One of his sons committed suicide, I wonder why! Was he more interested in politics and religion than his own children? That can happen to some men if they feel they have an important cause to fight.

I saw a video the other day about the 'sexual revolution' that is taking place amongst the youth in Iran. If the Islamic president does not give freedom to the children, it could result in a civil war very quickly.

The fact is that the youth of today, outnumber the old men that are clinging onto power in Iran. The same applies to Egypt and other Islamic nations, bet they wish they hadn't bred all those children now they are standing against them.

So watch this space.

1 comment:

  1. Israeli Army ordered closure of ELAT airport and planes were re-routed for a short while.
