
Thursday 1 August 2013


This morning the heavenly Father is talking about the 'catacomb' and the most well known are in France and Rome. I am feeling Rome with this, and I do feel that there is going to be an event in Rome that will shock the nation. Then when I checked in with the news, people had been talking about the 'Persecution of Christians' in the USA. People that are fully awake are aware that the Christians have been set up, not just the Christians but the USA as well.

If the Christians truly knew their scriptures then they would know that as well. The followers were clearly warned not to build upon the foundations of Jesus with building materials. If people did, then those buildings would burn in the flames, and the Vatican itself is not exempt from that. As we know, the Vatican and its supporters have been influential in creating what Christianity became.

As Jesus said to yours truly, 'Christianity was never born, it is still in the womb'.

The orthodox Christians in the USA, and in other parts of the world, have allowed themselves to be put in a very precarious situation with the Vatican at the helm. The people are not forgetting what the Roman Catholic Church have done for centuries; or its involvement in war. As such, the Vatican itself carries a very heavy karma, for what it has done to the people of its own nation, and the nations of others.

Some spiritual people are very concerned about the Christians, although those that are seriously concerned are few and far between. In recent years it has been mainly the Liberals and secular that have stood in the way of progress for the people.

As such, in many nations the Christians are still in the Churches, and wherever there is a congregation it makes them an easy target. Not only in the present but also in the future. Hence it is important that they comprehend the importance of what Prophet Isaiah said about this timeline in Isaiah 8.

In addition, he also predicted that 'the covenant with death is annulled'. Yet, once again we have witnessed the 'lambs being led to slaughter' in the last week in European countries in both train and bus crashes. Most of which were linked to orthodox activity. The heavenly Father did warn us well in advance about the 'sympathy vote'. How far the Vatican are prepared to go to win that vote and the hearts of the people, time will tell. We know from scientific evidence that 9/11 was an in-side job, so an event in Rome could be the same. There is certainly an 'underground' movement in Italy, and many communists, so let's see what unfolds.


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