
Monday 5 August 2013


On Sunday the 4th of August 2013, the heavenly Fathersaid 'Put your boots on'. Last night I asked the heavenly Father what he was going to do next to prove it to them, and he replied 'Hang Fire'. The meaning of 'Hang Fire', means to fasten what is above and give no support to that which is below.

In other words, the heavenly Father is giving his support to those he has fastened. This can also mean delay of projects that he does not support, and that will be seen in the next phases of the 'Time of Derailment'. His meaning is that he is giving his support to those of the light. to the heavenly and not to those that live an earthly existence. There are different planes of existence, and people do reap what they sow, it is all part of the spiritual law of the cosmos.

In this link you will see an example 'hang fire', relating to a municipal project that has not progressed since 2007. I've provided the link to further comprehension of his meaning. [1] Isaiah 8 also speaks of their plans and what the heavenly Father will do about it. That aligns perfectly with his words of 'Hang Fire'.

The term hang fire also has a military application, and it relates to 'guns', so this is bound to impact on the USA. In this video Jeff Benner who wrote the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon has got his boots on in responding to an orthodox American Christian in respect of the KJV version of the bible. Here Jeff is correcting the supporters of the KJV, and he is specifically talking about Psalm 12:7. It does not say that he will preserve them, it says that he shall preserve HIM singular. As such, it is not saying that he shall preserve the Christians, it is saying that he shall preserve him.

In the Aramaic translation Psalm 12 mentions how 'Faith has disappeared from the earth and how men speak with a double heart'.  It speaks of how the LORD will bring salvation openly, and as we know the bible informs the people that 'salvation is at the gates of daughter Zion'. It tells you that the 'words of the LORD are pure words and how they have been purified seven times.' The bible also shares with us that  'truthfulness saves lives'. Hence, the importance and support of the light of truth is essential. Jeff Benner certainly has the support of the light. 

Psalm 12 aligns perfectly with Isaiah 8 and the 12/8ths prophecy that was received from the LORD a few years ago, and he spoke of how they had signed their own 'death warrants' due to the choices that they had made. In the Aramaic, Psalm 12 mentions the 'Children of Edom', and the USA is the land of Esau and the men of Edom. The prophecy of Obadiah is also about the USA. 

Isaiah 8 tells you how the children come with signs and symbols and how the LORD is upon Mt Zion. it is referring to daughter Zion. The holy streams that come from the mountain, to refresh the people with clean water in the pool. No coincidence that the heavenly Father also spoke about the pool a few years ago, and a pool appears in a recent crop circle found in the UK. 

Its interesting to note that when I looked at the words 'Hang Fire', there is a Welsh band in the UK called 'Hang Fire Rocks' and they've brought out a single called 'Faith in Me'. 

In the song they sing about 'aloneness', and yesterday an American wrote that 'Hell is aloneness'. 

Is that true? The Son of God, the one known as Jesus, taught aloneness. In fact, he shared with his true followers that they had be alone with the heavenly Father to have a sacred union with him. That is why he advised them that when they pray, to pray alone behind a closed door. He also went off in aloneness to be alone, when he required time for himself in contemplation of what was happening in his life; and the lives of his people. That was his time of resplendent peace, solace, and refreshment from the world he was doing his utmost to help. 

In his aloneness, he was closer to God, and the heavenly Father could draw close to him and strengthen his resolve to continue with his mission. He could fasten him and his light, giving him the support that he required.  



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