
Monday 26 August 2013


People are having dreams and visions of a man or a woman in a blue robe. In Judaism the blue robe is to do with a high priest/ess. The robe of the high priest ephod was to be all this colour.

'The original Hebrew word translated as 'blue', = 'tlkt' and it comes from the word 'tlx'. Noun feminine. 'Onycha' an ingredient used in the holy incense. Its related to vibration and sound. 

"He has filled them with skill to perform every work of an engraver and of a designer and of an embroiderer, in blue and in purple and in scarlet material, and in fine linen, and of a weaver, as performers of every work and makers of designs." Ex 35:35 Generally associated with purple (Exodus 25:4; 26:1,31,36, etc.). It is supposed to have been obtained from a shellfish of the Mediterranean, the Helix ianthina of Linnaeus. The robe of the high priest's ephod was to be all of this colour (Exodus 28:31), also the loops of the curtains (26:4) and the ribbon of the breastplate (28:28). Blue cloths were also made for various sacred purposes (Numbers 4:6,7,9,11,12). (See COLOUR .)' [1] 

I have provided you with more than one link. [2]

Its no coincidence that for a healing last year I was guided to wrap the lady in the duck egg blue blanket. 

A blue outfit of soft sackcloth that my mother Lily gave to me. I always received what was required for each phase of the work. It was worn for the divine mother workshops. Blue as the cornflower bright as the sapphire the flame of truth. 

Those that have been blessed to work with Archangel Michael and the Holy Mother know about the blue ray, the blue flame of truth, the lights and its association with them. 

Today I was sharing some truth about the soul because some spiritual people say that the soul grows. 

A soul doesn't grow, its purified. If the soul doesn't get human self to do the healing work with its own soul. Then what happens? You die in the way that Jesus described. What Jesus said is now proven by cutting edge biology and science.

Do you wish to leave the planet and your bodies peacefully and joyfully, or do you determine the other way to go with your own free will?

I made my choice decades ago, to heal in an upright way. To purify in truth. In the self-purification comes the perfection, and the redemption of innocence and who you truly are. After I began the healing journey I was given many divine rewards for doing so. I was entrusted with much, and much was asked of me.

It was glorious and the greatest wonder of life.

Experience counts.

If you value yourselves then you will purify. If you value your children and your nation, you will purify. If you value your relationships and friendships then you will purify.

Only purity can see purity.



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