
Wednesday 7 August 2013

Ascended in the FLAME

British singer, Cliff Richards sang a song called the 'Young Ones', and in the song he sings about the flame. We also find the flame in the ancient texts and if you examine the verses, you find that the flame is a gift from God, it adds that it is through the laying on of my hands. 2 Timothy 2:6

'For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God'.

As such, the flame is to do with healing. In speaking of the angels he says, "He makes his angels spirits, and his servants flames of fire" Hebrew 1:7. So all of his true servants are healers. The angels of elohiym. 'As the flame blazed up from the altar toward heaven, the angel of the LORD ascended in the flame'. Judges 13:20. This text is clearly stating that the healing angels ascend. 'He makes winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants', Psalm 104:4.

'The Light of Israel will become a fire, their Holy One a flame; in a single day it will burn and consume his thorns and briers', Isaiah 10:7. The prophecy of Obadiah is about the last days of the end times. 'Jacob will be a fire and Joseph a flame'. Obadiah 1:18. 'A flame will wither his shoots, and the breath of elohiym's mouth will carry him away' Job 15:30 There we have the laying on of hands combined with the breath, and the two together take place during a Reiki healing training course.

Blue as a cornflower, bright as a sapphire, the flame of truth. Reiki healing has an amazing way of bringing forth the truth, and its love burns away all that no longer serves the health of your being. The angels of healing ascend, and it is amazing to watch it happen before your very eyes.

Yesterday, this flame of Joseph spoke of the 'Science of Kindness'. Those that were at the forefront of the cutting edge science to do with healing a decade ago, were sharing this information then. However, it is wonderful to see the young ones now sharing it in videos. They ask that we make kindness go viral, no surprise then that King David spoke of the 'Lute of Lovingkindness' that came at daytime in Israel.


Reiki brings forth the lovingkindness within, giving and receiving healing. It is scientific fact, that it is healthy for you. People have described it as a light being turned on, and all of a sudden the room lit up, and they could see the light, and that which they did not see before. That is why the one known as Jesus as blessed so many healers divinely.

A Reiki Master Teacher is a vessel for the divine and Holy Spirit to be bestowed. In my reality, there have been many holy Spirits, in the spiritual journey through the heavens. However, it is awesomeness, when you are blessed to be a Holy Spirit, and you come to birth it, and all that is divine. As scripture predicted the old heaven and earth is passing away, everything is being made anew.

The kindness of a majority of Reiki healers and its community, has been awesome, the truth of healing kindness prevails. The light of love. Joseph means 'to increase', 'to add', and the Reiki community were blessed with so much love, with so much light, the love that overwhelms the path at your feet. So it came to be that the Reiki community gave added value of improved health and ascension, and the community increased in the love that it was born to be.

The prophecies predicted that the tribe of Joseph would be saved, and England is the land of Joseph. No surprise then that the texts declared that salvation is at the gates of daughter Zion. The Catholics got one thing right, it is a woman. However, it was not who they told the people it was. How do we know that? It is all about the timeline of the 'Harp of Faithfulness', King David declared that the harp would come at night time, and so it came to be as the prophecies predicted.

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