
Friday 16 August 2013

50 Ducks Jubilee Sign UK

The BBC have reported that there was an 'unusual hold-up for drivers in Surrey on Thursday morning. 50 ducks were walking along the hard shoulder of the A3 near Guildford causing queuing traffic.'. [1] The ducks were given a police escort while they try to trace their owners. Situations like this give me the giggles, so what's going with the mallards?

50 is the number of the jubilee and it means all debt must be written off, the 15th of August was the 'Day of Royal Command'.

Author, Ted Andrews also wrote that the duck reminds us of how important water is and that nothing can live without it. They remind us to drink the water of life; and to nurture our own natures. The mallard is one of the most prolific ducks.

In England there is also the 'Mallard Song' and it mentions the swan. ' The poets fain'd Jove turn'd Swan, but lett them prove it if they can'. [2] So yes the Mallards do have an important message for humanity and 50 is the gematria value of Kalki and Canada.

Ducks are also to do with healing and they signify new beginnings and new birth. Remember the duck egg blue? No surprise then that Ma egg also has the gematria value of 50.

The Royal command is also mentioned in scripture. 'He who keeps a royal command experiences no trouble, for a wise heart knows the proper time and procedure'. Ecc 8:5.

As the heavenly Father said the other day, 'You have a mandate'.


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