
Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Prophecies Egypt - Let There be Light

People are posting the biblical prophecies about Egypt. However, people have to read Isaiah 19, along with Psalm 81 and Hab 2.

Isaiah 19 mentions the 'burden of Egypt', Behold, the LORD rideth upon a swift cloud and shall come into Egypt and heart of Egypt melts. It also mentions the time when they sought divine guidance and they certainly did that in the 90's, and again in 2001 when I was in Egypt, first at Cairo and then at Luxor. It also mentions how the LORD would heal them. When an Egyptian friend returned, he had a chest infection, and I gave him healing.

Isaiah 19 also mentions the saviour that would be sent to them, a great one and that they shall be delivered. The KJV translation of Psalm 81 mentions 'the appointed time' and the appointed time was in 2009 when the herald ran with the prophecy that is in Hab 2. Hab 2 is a prophecy against the oil rich nations and it tells the Muslims to drink. In other words, the prophecy is against Saudi and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Psalm 81 tells the Egyptians to sing for joy. To make music, to sound the ram's horn on the new moon. Its speaks of a festival and a decree for Israel. It tells them that when elohiym went out against Egypt, he established it as a statute for Joseph. Joseph saved the Egyptian people from famine in ancient times, and so it was ordained that the flame of Joseph would bless Egypt again.

The prophecy in the Psalm tells the Egyptian people, that the 'burden' on their 'shoulders', 'as been removed.' 'Their hands were set free from the basket'. 'In your distress you called and I rescued you, I answered you out of a thundercloud: I tested you out of the waters of Meribah'.

Biblically the basket is to do with the prophets, as such, it is related to the biblical prophecies and the 'burden' on their 'shoulders' is removed. They shall not carry the basket on their shoulders anymore, they shall not carry what happened in ancient times to the Hebrews. They shall not suffer like they did in the time of Moses, because the flame of Joseph is here, so are the magi that followed a sacred star, the spiritual elders are here, the spiritually elect are here.

The elohiym are here and there are many of us sending love to Egypt.

Also in the book of Genesis, Joseph also interpreted the dream of the chief baker. In the dream the chief baker had three baskets on his head. In the top basket there were all kinds of baked goods for Pharaoh, but the birds were eating them. Joseph explained that the three baskets represented three days, and that after that the chief baker would be 'impaled' by the Pharaoh. The interpretation of the dream came to be.

Its no coincidence that today is the third day, and the 3rd of July is the 'Day of Commemoration'.

In February during a remote healing, I was asked to give an American man an Egyptian scarab for good luck, and we were also given the month of June. Well a lot happened in June, including the American teenager that was 'impaled by the bull statue', when he tripped upon it at a Texas University.

There was also my dream of the cornflakes in the large box that I shook when it was reduced by 50%,  recently the American Kelloggs factory in Manchester UK was on fire. In addition to the Nebseni figurine doing a 180 degree turn in the same city. There has also been an American woman that has been offering everyone cakes; and as we know cakes are baked. Its no coincidence then that the America baker turned up at the same time as the flame of Joseph in the public domain. The cakes of the American baker were declined by the flame of Joseph.

Some are saying that the USA has become the new Egypt and that would fit well with the Qu'ranic prophecy about Obama and the honorable Apostle as well. For the honorable Apostle was sent to the USA as well, prior to Obama being elected. Nostradamus also spoke about the 'Palm Branch' and that prophecy relates to the mission to St Augustine, Florida that took place in 2008.

2013 is a six year, and it reminds us of the six days of creation, and 'Let there be light, and there was light'.

Here are photographs taken in Egypt that you do not see in Western media.

As I said in 2011, Saudi will not be able to do what it has done to other countries that became Islamic. The Egyptian people love their country, their sacred sites and their culture. They also like the prosperity that tourism brings. The Egyptian people united in 2011, for a common purpose of freedom. 

That did not mean that they would then give their freedom away to the Muslim brotherhood, Saudi or the American corporations that Obama represents. In my experience the Egyptians are intelligent people, but they will defend their right to retain the Egypt that they love.

They will not allow the Muslim brotherhood to take freedom from them. They know poverty, they have toiled and toiled to bring their country into the 21st century, they cannot turn back now. The good people of Egypt know, that the way forward is organic growth, onwards and upwards.

IMHV, they are blessed that they have an Egyptian army that is prepared to stand by the people, defend them, and what is right for Egypt. The timing is crucial, and I ask the LORD to help them to bring their freedom and liberty fully into being. For his flame of Joseph that he promised.

Love to Egypt, do it all for love Egypt, and the the light of the LORD will be with you in all that you do. Divine Love is worth it, divine love is eternal.

The Qu'ran does mention the Pharaoh = Obama. However, it also mentions the honorable Apostle that came prior to him. In Rev 12 the woman came prior to Obama appearing in Rev 13. In the oldest Christian (Didache) text the one known as Jesus referred to the Apostles as Lords. As we know the prophet of Islam was not referred to as Lord was he? Although the Qu'ran does mention two different Lords in addition to the Lord of Sirius. 

It is wonderful to hear the joy of the Egyptian people. My heart of love is with them at this time.


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