
Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Gay Heat Wave -v- Undying Love

Yesterday I wrote about the 'Carnation' and its spiritual meaning of the 'Undying Love' of the mother for her child that is suffering. No surprise then that the pink carnation is in the news today, and the MP's were wearing pink carnations of undying love', when they went to vote on the 'gay marriage' bill that had been signed off by Elizabeth.

You can see the overwhelming vote count in the article from the Telegraph and comments from Church and State. [2] The Church are now saying that 'marriage is meaningless'.

In recent days I pondered upon the ‘social engineering’ of the ‘gay community’ and what Jesus had said in the scriptures that ‘some are born like it and some are made like it by men’. It is natural that Christian nations should be concerned about the ‘social engineering’ of children to become ‘gay’ that has taken place on stage, screen, music, media and in schools. 

I pondered on the factor of whether the 'social engineering'; to co-create a major global gay community was to create a defence mechanism against Islam and its doctrines. 

I would not be surprised at all. Especially as Tel Aviv is now called the ‘Gay capital of the middle east.’  How to reach the hearts of the genuine gay people in Islamic countries by being a beacon of light for them? Truly is that the best that Israel can do? Surely not, I hear you say. 

Humanity have to consider the long term implications of what is taking place.

What did Jesus say about marriage? He described the time of resurrection, when people would not marry anymore and that they would be like the Angels in heaven.

You can comprehend how that began to happen after the 60’s hippy era when people lived together without marriage. That was liberation for many and enabled many to experience a live in relationship without a piece of paper. When I was living with my partner, we came to realize that our financial contract of buying a home together had actually sealed our fate. Then getting married was the obvious conclusion. Just another bit of paper? 

However, getting married in St Mary Magdalene’s Church in my white wedding gown, was one of the most beautiful days of my life. I was literally stunned at the door, that all those people were waiting for little humble me.

I was fortunate that we were both kindly people and divorce was easy and possessions were easily sorted out, I let him have whatever he asked for.

However, with the ‘gay marriages’ we will then see ‘acrimonious divorces’ and if this government allows more ‘gay’ people to bring children into those marriages, we then have a very serious ‘social engineering’ of the communities that are not healthy for children in the long term.
Undying love like that of our Queen of Hearts, Princess Diana, does not mean that we allow governments to sacrifice the children of our nations or their mothers divine right to birth those children and bring them up with their dads wherever possible.  

If Princess Diana had lived, she definitely would have had another child, that is why they murdered her. They couldn’t have a little Diana running around now could they, they couldn’t have another heavenly flower on their lapel.

A daughter that could not be ‘militarized’ or ‘socially engineered’.

I honor the right for people to marry if they wish. However, many do so at their own spiritual detriment and that is why there are so many divorces. Did they marry for the right reasons? That is the question, is their love truly undying like the true love of a mother for her child that she has birthed? How can it be so? When we give birth to a child, that child is of our own flesh and blood, that is why the love is undying!



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