
Monday, 22 July 2013

Face Recognition and Public Speaking

There is an interesting correlation going on with the face recognition technology and the biblical stories.

One article is called 'You won't need a pin when you pay for everything with your face'. Then if we cross-reference that with the book of John, when the feast of tabernacles arrived, the brothers of Jesus urged him to show his face to the world. In response he told them that he wasn't going because his time had not yet come. Although it is written that after they left, he did go, he went alone. Why did he go alone? He could mingle amongst the crowd. However, the Jewish leaders were asking where is he?

The legend tells us that the people at the festival were divided in two camps.  'Those that whispered, he is a good man', and those that said no, he deceives the people'. After that he began his public speaking, he showed his face and began teaching. However, he made it very clear, that he was not public speaking for his own glory, but for the glory of the one that had sent him to speak.

The text speaks of the one healing miracle that he performed, and compares it with those that cut the flesh in circumcision. In the text; it clearly states that circumcision was not given by Moses but by the patriarch's. He then goes on to tell them to stop judging by mere appearances, and judge correctly!

In other words what is greater; creating healing miracles or cutting the flesh? One can also view that in terms of what is greater? Healing miracles or the NHS? Currently, Prince Charles is having a run in with the NHS over homeopathy that they recommend cutting out of the budget. Have you ever been offered an homeopathic doctor or homeopathy in the NHS? I don't know a single person that has.

Trying to get holistic and vibrational solutions from the NHS is like trying to get blood out of a stone. The NHS has become a monument to a by-gone age due to academic stakeholders and the pharmaceutical industry.  You can't even have an MRI scan on request, yet, they're handing out 'cosmetic surgery' with the latest fashions and trends. The NHS is a follower of fashion, its reactive instead of being pro-active. That's why the NHS cannot provide the right interventions at the right times. The Liberals and Laborites that pushed for the cosmetic surgery and transgender operations. I know at least three men that have been involved in that, but no homeopathy! Have you any idea how much that kind of cosmetic surgery costs paid for by the tax-payer?

What do the NHS do? Exactly what Jesus told people not to do, they 'judge by mere appearances' and that is why so many people are dying when they're put in NHS care. One can also apply that to other areas in life, and now it is being taken further in technology, your face has value to governments and its financial institutions. In the same way as your medical records do as well. More 'social engineering'.

The brothers of Jesus tried to tell him what to do and he refused, he did it his way and when he was ready to do so. Many people are not speaking in the public sphere about the real issues especially in America, because like Jesus those in the crowd that stood against him would kill him.

How many more whistleblowers, journalists and scientists have to be murdered before the people will stand up with the Virgin? As we know there is also the parable of the 'Wise Virgins -v- Foolish' Virgins',  although it is rare to see Christians speak of it. It really is time to come together and unite for the good of all in your local communities. However, I do recommend getting the arts involved and providing a creative implementation. As the LORD said 'It is an opportunity for them to get it right'.

1. John Chapter 7

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