
Saturday 6 July 2013

Derailment FIRE Quebec

Its a long time ago when I first started to write about the 'time of derailment'. [1] In recent days I kept crying. other empaths were also picking up on planetary activity and I posted the crying icon and '36 hours.'  So when I saw this news about the 'Derailment Quebec', it was no surprise to me. It is just more prophecies fulfilled and that includes prophecies from the bible. The photographs are dramatic if you truly comprehend their meaning. As soon as I saw the photograph, it reminded me of how I stood in an auditorium in Sydney in 1999, at a 'Metaphysical Master' event with 10,000 people in attendance.

'A massive fire sparked by the derailment of a train carrying crude oil is still burning in the eastern Quebec town of Lac-Megantic. At least a 1,000 residents have been evacuated' and the numeric of 1,000 is to do with Joseph in the Dead Sea Scrolls; and it is to do with the spiritual law. In the prophecy of Obadiah it predicted that the land of Esau would become stubble; and the Jewish sages told those that asked, that only Joseph could help them.

The news report states that there were 73 wagons in that train last night, and all of them are on fire. At the end of the report they gave this message. 'Right now, so far, the smoke is going very high, so there's no problem for the population'. The Dead Sea Scrolls also spoke about the smoke in connection with the Messiah.

Last night the heavenly Father said to me 'You cannot be replicated'.

This is certainly a unique time in the history of creation, and in many ways, it is not one that I relish as I watch people and countries burn. Some people have spoken of the age of fire, and the Obadiah prophecy predicted that Jacob would be the fire and Joseph the flame. Did they get the memo?

The messages were simple enough, and all the people had to do was embrace them.

Last night when I looked at this painting from 2012, it appeared to be in 3D on the wall. The painting is called 'Flame of Joseph'.



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