
Sunday 28 July 2013

Buddha 'Eclectric' Painting

This painting came in last night after listening to some 'Buddha Bar' music. I really liked the Buddha Bar compilation albums when they first came out. It was perfect timing and a Buddha music space for those that like it. Its important that people listen to good uplifting music at this time, to defend your energy.


Then this music track was shared with us and you can see the colors of Quan Yin in the opening. The painting indicates that the planet is going through some karmic situations of the spiritual law of cause and effect. I see the whales and dolphins in the painting, I see the heart of love being created by those that have come out of the ocean of 'emotion'. I really like the pastel colors and the cornflower blue. There have been some electric storms this weekend, and hail has fallen upon China.

The dolphins of joy that are taking the karmic situations by the 'throat', those that truly comprehend the power of communication, and how it impacts on the planet and our oceans. Water consciousness indeed and the memories that it holds. 70-80% of your bodies are made of water, and so it is that humanity have a lot to learn about their own bodies and what impacts on the water within them. The throat is all about acceptance and accepting the blessing that has been bestowed.

I see the heart in the painting, and the good will, I see the unity between a woman and a man. Dolphins always remind me of Australia and recently the heavenly Father also spoke about 'Dingle', and there is a dolphin in Dingle Bay in Ireland that has been there for 20 years. A male dolphin swimming in the bay, singing his unconditional love to remind humanity of it. A great blessing for Ireland. Those that know the truth, know that Prophet Isaiah predicted that the flame of Joseph would be found on an Island.

This 'Eclectric' painting is for anyone that comprehends the energies and the electricity that the oceans co-create. The amazing colors that are found in the oceans, minerals and all good things. This is a time to wear soft colors and hues, being gentle with the self and others. It is symbolic of a healing time as well, healing in the sacred space of good healing music.

Was Jesus a Medicine Buddha? Yes, he was. They found this bust of him in an ancient Greco-Buddhist city near the border of Afghanistan. You will notice that this bust of him has a Buddhist top knot on his head. It was natural for Jesus to go to the Greco-Buddhist city where he knew he would be welcomed. The biblical prophecies predicted that Israel would cry again, like they did the first time that he left them. 

There is a book that was written called 'The Original Jesus', The Buddhist sources of Christianity', by Elmar R Gruber and Holger Kersten. They also wrote a book called the 'Jesus Conspiracy'. 

The archaeologists are doing excavation work where they found that bust, and China have bought the land. The archaeologists have only been given three years to complete their work, although they shared that they require at least ten years to excavate what is required to be carried out. China are buying up natural resources around the world, and who is there to stop them from doing so? 

I really like that depiction of him, it is absolutely perfect. He once said 'Christianity was never born, it is still in the womb'. 


Picture courtesy of Wikipedia 

A shade of light blue azure, often associated with the Dutch painter, Johannes Vermeer, it is written he was one of the greatest painters from the Dutch Golden Age. He was known as the 'Sphinx of Delft' [1] and I once brought back a Delft pottery tile for a gift for my parents when I visited Holland in the 70's. 

This is the color used in Delft pottery, and it does a have a powerful message for the Dutch people. 

He painted various paintings of women, writing, drinking wine, playing the piano. A lady with a pearl in her ear, amazing prophetic messages from the artist for those that have the heart to comprehend them. 

I do have a couple of sackcloth cornflower colored outfits that my mother Lily blessed me with, I shall wear them again, they are so soft on the skin. Its like mum was giving me a message with the cornflower blue.

Mother Mary also liked this cornflower blue; and I wore that color a lot when I was working with her and the Archangels.

The most valuable blue sapphires are this color; and today there was news of a haul of precious gems in Cannes, 40 million euros worth. 



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