
Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Autism and Iris Halmshaw - The Artist

This painting came in during the early hours, and I have it called it 'Autism', due to the discovery of a 3 year old who is stunning the art world with her paintings that they liken to Monet. The natural talent of a child like Mozart that expresses their creativity through their art. In the painting I see a Christ child that lives in her natural environment of nature. That is why flower essences have proven scientifically to be good for children with ADHD.  They are aligned with nature, the flowers and their inherent signature.  

The name of this British child is Iris Grace Halmshaw, and names also impact on children and their energetic frequencies. With a name like Iris she was bound to love the flowers and their environment. Her name will also have a numeric vibration that can tell us a lot about the child, in addition to her astrological birth chart. When I work with a child, I like to look at all of them, mind, body and soul. An holistic approach to everything that comes into my life. 


The Daily Mail have titled their article about Iris as 'The miracle of Little Miss Masterpiece'. [1] Her artwork is copyrighted so I cannot feature any of them on this blog. I tried to upload a video from youtube as well, and that wouldn't upload either. 

However, when I saw her name written it did remind me of the IRIS prophecy from Nostradamus. Nostradamus also worked with flowers as well, he worked with the Iris and gave essences to people who were depressed. The French mystic also painted and a book of his drawings were found, although historians say that they can't be sure whether it was Nostradamus or his son that painted them. 

Most authors have not associated the Prophet with the quatrain about the Iris and Age of Iris. Nostradamus predicted: "For 40 years the Iris will not appear, for 40 years it will be seen everyday, the arid earth will grow drier, and great floods when it will appear". [2]

So you see the arrival of the little girl Iris a few years ago, was divine providence and her artwork is further confirmation that the person that Nostradamus spoke about is here. The biblical prophets also knew that a woman would come e.g. Micah 4 and Rev 12, 13. Prophet Isaiah also knew that shiloh would come with and for the children. Isaiah 8. Jesus also predicted that 'Wisdom will be proven right by her actions'. 


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