
Sunday 21 July 2013

Andrea, Austin, Vegas

I was writing about melon seeds and the heavenly Father gave me the name of Andrea. [1] After I asked if there was anyone called Andrea, the heavenly Father spoke again and he said 'Austin, Vegas'.

I know a man with the name 'Vegas'. However, there is also the 'San Andreas Fault Line' in California,  [2] and an Austin in Texas as well. They know that the plates are moving in California.

There is also an 'Austin Vegas' on Twitter.

The heavenly Father said 'He's having a stake out'. [3]

Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman singing with the fountains in Paris. Andrea will be in Vegas on the 7th December, 2013. [4] Well Andrea certainly found his voice. [5] A voice that can make mountains move.

The Apostle known as Andrew is Andreas in Greek. He was a Jewish Christian and the brother of Peter. In Greek, it means "manly", "brave", and it comes from Andreia, it means "manhood", "brave". He was born in the Jewish village of Bethsaida on the Sea of Galilee. It is written that some of the relics of Andreas are in Patras, Greece. When I went to the basicilla it was closed, they have his small finger and the cross on which he was martyred.  Wiki say his head is in Italy. His feast day is on the 30th of November and it is a national day in Scotland where his flag is their national flag.  

The heavenly Father said 'Get Prepared'.







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