
Tuesday 11 June 2013


Well what a few days. It began at the weekend when the LORD gave me a warning about what was coming and he described it has a 'Popularity Contest'. He knows full well that I am far beyond that, but his words did make me ponder deeply upon the vast implications for the nations. How the microcosm and the macrocosm is connected; and what is being shown to us all before our very eyes. In the small environment of a CT forum you can actually see the big picture; and how it all relates to each other. I was blessed to have the Rev 12 experience and some of Micah 4 behind me. The experience was invaluable for this timeline of wisdom being proven right by her actions; and the biblical prophecies did predict that vindication would come to be.

I shared with a friend the warning that I received prior to what the LORD had said taking place. I also shared that I would do a painting on 'Popularity' and see what came and what else the heavenly Father would like me to see. Its also important that Jesus also refused to get involved in such things as 'contests', he too was and is beyond it. For Jesus knew that he had nothing to prove to anyone; and that when wisdom came in this timeline. It would be done and testimony would be given for him. That testimony has been shared for many years, over a decade now.

So first there was the 'Pig' painting and we know how that relates to the teachings of Jesus, and how the colors in the painting relate to USA and China.

I also mentioned how I could see the scalp painting under the feet of the 'Pig', and that relates to the 'Kern County' Prophecy about the 'Kilowatt' that the LORD spoke about in January 2013. Behind the 'Pig' is the Islamic 'Fire Flower', and behind that another energy in the blue. The three spots have been seen in two of the paintings and I felt that the spots were to do with 'insects'. Yesterday, the news shared that 'monster mosquitos' are invading Florida.

There is certainly something or someone pushing the 'Pig' forward and people acting behind the scenes. Last week the LORD also spoke of the 'Actor', and that term can be used for male or female. Americans have clearly been impacted upon by stage and screen. Hollywood, has had a huge impact on their psychology and input into 'psychological contests' to do with celebrities. The LORD tells me that popularity is viewed as power, and those with popularity having power over others like Obama.

I pondered on the case of the USA and Israel being two of the most unpopular nations in the world, and the reasons why. Who seeks to gain by doing their utmost to make any nation unpopular? Popularity is different to favor, one can have favor but no popularity. A celebrity can have popularity, yet they have no favor. Its important for people to be able to differentiate between the two words; and the different dynamics involved. For instance, Israel does have favor, but not popularity. A decade ago, I also shared with spiritual Americans that popularity has no interest for me, the heavenly Father did not send me to the USA and Israel to be popular, anymore than Prophet Jeremiah was popular in his day.

There is no competition due to the favor of the LORD. The Son of God knew that what he had to say to the people would be unpopular, he was aware of the huge influences and different stakeholders involved in energizing people to innovate societal change. He also knew that it would be the same for wisdom, that there would be times when I would have to say things for the LORD that would be unpopular. However, I was very pleased to see last night that 'Anti-Social Behaviour and the Guide Dogs' is being addressed in the UK. An American also wrote that it is also being dealt with in the USA as well, although the laws differ in different states.


The 'popularity' painting also reminds me of what happened to Princess Diana, all that love that burst forth, all that compassionate action and good deeds, then others seek to destroy it. It was during the Rev 12 timeline that I passed a very important initiation. I 'renounced fame and fortune' and in so doing, I also renounced popularity in the public sphere. Why? I have seen what it does to people and experienced some of it during the Rev 12 timeline. It was essential to me that I maintained my integrity and in the Rev 12 timeline I met people that had been involved in CT, and had been simply destroyed by the people involved in it. So when the LORD spoke to me about it over the weekend, it did remind me of the Rev 12 timeline when he took me away from those that stood against the divine.

I am sure most people are aware of what the color green represents. I remember how St Francis of Assisi came to my aid when I was working with Archangel Michael. St Francis gave me great counsel about those that were coming from the green energy, because he had also experienced others that stood against him. I was blessed to be guided by him, and he asked me to pray for them at that time. He helped me to comprehend where they were coming from.

This painting also came in after the one above, and I have called it 'Blue and Orange'. After the painting came in I noticed that people were talking about these two specific colors. I do see fish in the painting, I also see what looks like an octopus. Octopus also reminds me of James Bond and the film 'Octopussy'.


The heavenly Father said to me 'Remember they even tried to hack your mac', goodness that was a very long time ago. I remember that my mac had to go to computer hospital at that time. It happened 24 hours after I had issued a warning.

Now how does all this relate to world events? Edward Snowdon is in the news and I saw his face last night before going to sleep. It was like he was calling out for help. At the time I wondered who he was wearing rimless type glasses. Well here he is. The young 29 year old. It looks like he was born in the Chinese Year of the 'Wood Rat' and that is another message because the LORD asked us to 'Tap on Wood', someone else posted about the biblical prophecy of Ezra and blood coming out of wood. However, there is also an actor with the name 'Elijah Wood' in the film 'Lord of the Rings'. Hence, it is to do with the timeline and blood is also to do with life, and wine. The Jewish people pour out a glass of red wine for Elijah, and red wine can be good for the blood in moderation. They certainly did pour out the wine for me when I was in Israel.

The other aspect of this is that his name is SNOWden and snow is to do with the biblical prophecy related to Moses. There are people that knew that the person that was predicted to come would have the same skin disease as Moses on their right arm. In the Chet visions received in 2009, (posted on a previous blog) it also mentioned 'Snow White'.

Also today, Turkey is kicking off and that also relates to the Turkish name 'Chet'. In addition, I had a dream about a man called SAM and there has been a shooting at Fort Sam in the USA.

When I wrote about the dream about Sam, I included the information about snow white. [1] At that time I also asked people if there was a sam around.  DTV, where I asked that question, has also been hacked! That then reminded me of Germany and the true tithe that Nostradamus had written about. The timeline also fits perfectly with the floods in Germany due to the levee breaking.

Its all happening on planet earth. Never a dull moment! Now Russia is talking about offering Snowden Asylum. It feels like chess pieces on a chess board, and this could just be the catalyst for the people of China to arise. When the Chinese take their country back, then Tibet will be free. In the meantime, British news is that British exports are soaring, while 500,000 Brits are eating from food banks.

Also it is all kicking off in London over G8. This is the last painting that came in today and it is brown and orange. No surprise then that the pope is also in the news over the gay contingency in the Vatican. Does it make you ponder on the fact that Pope Jorge and the Vatican appear to be backing all horses to defend their popularity? So it ends the way it began with the Church!

The other thing that happened today was when I was sharing about the T storm in the USA, I saw a bright light by my right eye. It was a solid light and it was shaped like a radar dish. Its on the radar and its in sight!


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