
Thursday 6 June 2013

Pepper and Spice Tortilla

Next recipe, I like spanish omelette because different ingredients can be put in them. This one is going to be a pepper and and spice tortilla.

Had some left over palm oil in the pan from yesterday so added some thinly sliced new potatoes (with their skins on to cover it. (Potato skin is good for you) Two cloves of garlic cut up small, I medium sized onion sliced small. Half a red pepper sliced small, one small fresh chilli sliced. A sprinkle of turmeric, a sprinkle of paprika, a sprinkle of hot chilli. You could use cayenne pepper in this instead. While cooking taste to see if it suits your taste. Once cooked put ingredients to one side.

Then put some olive oil in a different pan, beat up 4-5 eggs. when the oil is hot put the beaten eggs in the pan and then put all of the ingredients on the top. Grate some cheese over the top, as much as you like. When it is going brown, turn out onto a plate and cook the other side for a few minutes to seal it. You can eat this dish hot or cold with a green salad. This amount is enough for two meals and very cost effective.

5-6 New potatoes
Two cloves of garlic
1 medium sized onion
Half a red pepper
1 fresh small green chilli
1 tsp of turmeric
1 tps of paprika
A sprinkling of hot chilli pepper

However, I have also added the original recipe for a Spanish tortilla. Be creative with healing foods and add what you like to suit your taste buds.


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