
Wednesday 26 June 2013


When the Shiva statue went into the River Ganges, I shared that in Hebrew the word 'Shiva' means 'seven' and in Judaism the word is related to mourning for seven days. I wrote about how seven days from when the Shiva statue was in the river took us to the anniversary of Michael's passing. (Michael is mentioned in the prophecy of Prophet Daniel, Michael supported me against the Prince of Persia.)

A couple of days ago, the heavenly Father asked me to paint a rose for him. I was compelled to paint a pink one.

It turns out that Marc Rich born in Antwerp Belguim, was given the name 'Marcell David Reich',  he moved to 'Meggen' a canton in the city of Lucerne and he resided in a house called 'La villa Rose', and it means 'Pink Rose'.

This other painting came in on the 28th of May, 2013 and I called it 'PINK' and you will see the brown in it. The canton of Lucerne came to be due to it growing up around a 'Benedictine' monastery. It was 'founded in 750 and its on the right back of the Reuss.'  For more information on that see the link. [1] Now Nostradamus also gave a prophecy about the canton of Lucerne.


There will appear a shining ornate temple,
the lamp and the candle at Borne and Breteuil.
For the canton of Lucerne turned aside,
when one will see the great cock in his shroud.

The numeric of the quatrain is 8+5 = 13, did Nostradamus give us the date of when this man would die and that it would happen in the year 13 during the Rev 13 timeline? 

The prophecy states that the 'canton of Lucerne turned aside', and the news is that Marc Rich died of a stroke in Lucerne on the 26th of June, 2013. The anniversary of Michael's passing in 2010.

26 is also the Hebrew gematria for the name of God. In numerics, 26th of June is the 'Day of Stamina'. Well we have had plenty of that! 

The prophecy mentions a 'great cock in his shroud', and a cock can be symbolic of a man and a shroud is also to do with burial rites. Lucerne, cock of a man, and his shroud all points towards Marc Rich. Rich was also a collector of fine arts, very expensive ones.  

In France, Borne = 'Waymaker on Liberty Road'. In the UK, it is a prefix to the name of a location, like 'Bournemouth', sometimes it can also come at the end of a location name like 'Eastbourne'. Hence, the lamp and the candle are in a specific location. One could also view it that the 'temple, lamp and the candle' are borne at a specific location and once the location came to be, it was then time for the man in the canton of Lucerne to be turned aside. No coincidence then that this blog has the candle flame; and Joseph is the flame in the biblical prophecies. 

Metaphysically, a stroke is also to do with people who 'refuse to change', they would 'rather 'die than change'. 

So what is the importance of 'Breteuil' in the prophecy? Breteuil is a French surname, and it is part of the name 'Le Tonnelier de Breteuil', there you will see the letters 'ton', and that is a weight that is mentioned in the NT in reference to what a person gives in terms of the spiritual law. In recent days there has been news of an ancient Egyptian Nebseni figurine in a Manchester museum that has been doing an 180 degree turn on its own. The prophecy of Nostradamus also mentions 'Lucerne turned aside'. 

In the Nebseni papyrus there is vignette (held by the British Museum) and in the scales of justice there is a dog sitting on a pillar like a figurine. Well, Marc Rich was born in the Chinese Year of the Dog. You could say that Marc Rich has been judged according to his deeds, turned aside, and the dog is seen in its side view in the vignette. I also shared in the previous post about those that chose the 'metal bull'  instead of the glorious elohiym. Psalm 106, they were given many warnings! 

So Marc Rich may well have been 'king of commodities'. However, the LORD has 'turned him and Lucerne aside'. May it be a warning for all those that work in 'commodities', for integrity and love is not for sale'. 'People are not a commodity, without love they become so'. from Sacred Words 

The other interesting aspect is that there was a 'Gabrielle Le Tonnelier de Breteuil' in 1706-1749 and she was a mathematician. [3] Marc Rich also had a daughter with the name of 'Gabrielle Rich Aouad' and she predeceased her parents. She died at age 27 of Leukemia, very young to pass over, and she was stunningly beautiful. [8] 

People that have looked into Marc Rich, the founder of Glencore corporation, are fully aware of the goings on, what he was involved in with the oil in Iran and Iraq, in addition to the pardon he received from Clinton.  When we look at this man's history it brings in the Phillips Brothers, now that is a name from the past. [4] [5] 'He worked with Philipp Brothers, a dealer in metals, learning about the international raw materials markets and commercial trading with poor, third-world nations'. It is written that 'his biggest coup came during the 1973-1974 Arab oil embargo.' This man that was turned aside was one of the 'most successful commodity traders of all time.' [6] 

Is it a coincidence that there was a robbery on a Swiss plane in recent days and now Marc Rich dies? A Swiss International Airline robbed of $1.2 million before it arrived at JFK in $100 dollar bills? Is there a connection with the name 'Le Tonnerlier de Breteuil'? $100 bills, 100 = spiritual law. 

It was part of a larger shipment of $93 million sent by a US bank from its offices in Switzerland to the Federal Reserve in New Jersey, according to ABC news. 

Apparently, it was 'forklift driver', that found that a crate had been 'punctured by a forklift', and that is how they discovered that the money was missing. The mention of a forklift driver also makes me smile, forklift drivers moving money from one location to another location, just like the Federal Reserve. You know you have to have a special driving license to drive one of those. 

Is there any more to add? I don't feel so, his history speaks for itself. 


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