
Sunday 23 June 2013

Kelloggs, Manchester, Egyptian Phenomena

There have been a lot of explosions and fires in the last week. However, this one caught my attention, it is in Trafford Park in Manchester at a Kellogg's factory. Apparently the fire began due to some cornflakes in the oven. The logo of the Kellogg's chicken is also 'Green' and 'Red' and as we know Kellogg's Cornflakes is part of an American corporation. [1] The fact that is an American corporation also reminds me of the biblical prophecies about the USA, in Rev 18.

Manchester, some interesting phenomena has been taking place in a museum there to do with an Egyptian relic that the media say has been moving on its own. The press called it the 'Curse of the Egyptian Mummy', and there is an American mother that likes that word 'Curse', in fact she even made a post about the 'Curse' and the 'Indy'. Sadly, men from the Indy races in the USA,  died after she made that post. If that does not set alarm bells off, I don't know what will. Americans and America certainly have a lot of karma to sort out. If they could only comprehend the golden rule, and that which they do to others, they bring upon themselves. It is the nature of the spiritual law of the cosmos; of cause and effect.



'Curse' of the Egyptian mummy: Watch ancient relic spin around with NOBODY near it
22 Jun 2013 15:39

TV's Brian Cox is among a group of experts being asked if they have any idea what is causing the phenomenon.

A museum is investigating a real-life curse of the mummy’s tomb after a relic almost 4,000-years old started moving on its own.

The 10-ins tall statuette of a man called Neb-Senu, which dates back to 1800 BC, mysteriously spins 180 degrees with nobody going near it.

Curators were left scratching their heads after they kept finding it facing the wrong way and rigged up a time-lapse camera to catch whoever was moving it. [2] 

Interesting that the curator of the Manchester Museum is also a man with the first name of Campbell. It is also the anniversary of the passing of Campbell, a friend otherwise known to me as Michael, and he is mentioned in the book of Daniel, so is the Prince of Greece who came to the UK in July 2010.

Now what do we have on Neb-Senu? There is a papyrus of Nebseni and it mentions Anu, there is a blessed young one close to me with the name Anu. [3]


Vignette from the papyrus is in the British Museum. [5][6]

In the vignette you will see a sitting dog in the scales of justice. It is no coincidence that my son Jordan was born in the Chinese Year of the 'Water Dog'. He is a January Aquarian, and I am a February Aquarian.

After I posted about the sitting dog, I looked to see if there was anything else on the 'sitting dog'.

There was news that a couple who had been dog sitting in the USA, had been 'attacked' by a 'pit bull', [7] once again that links in with the Nostradamus warning about the mastiffs in this timeline. Who else called herself a 'pit bull?' Sarah Palin, another American Christian orthodox.

My buddhist like son is more like a gentle labrador that fetches and carries the shopping for his mum.

Its no coincidence that there are dog yoga positions, and there is a dog in the vignette to do with the spiritual law of maat. Has we know they also do yoga on mats.

For sure the Ancient Egyptians knew how to give healing to the animals. The dog and the scales of justice for our blessed animal kingdom. Did you see the lovely video 'Ode for our Dog'? I remember, it made one strong man cry when he saw it.

Back to Nebseni, he was the son of a scribe Thena. He was also a draughtsman in the Temple of Ptah.

Nebseni was the father of Tentamun and it means 'She of Anun'. Wiki state that she was an Egyptian Queen and most likely the wife of Ramses XI of the 20th dynasty. There was also another Tentamun in the 21st dynasty, daughter of Ramses XI, wife of Smendes. She is mentioned in the Wenamun papyrus.
There is a whole story around Wenamun and that is where the story of this night comes to its conclusion.

Its fascinating sometimes to see where things lead you, and what it unfolds before you. However, I did not notice that the media report mentioned which 'mummy' that they were actually referring to.  A lot of ancient relics from Egypt found their way to the British Isles and the relics should be returned to Egypt.

In 2012, the Guardian did an article on the museum and its 14 mummies that used to be on display. Apparently, a lot of have gone into storage, and now there is only three on display.

Amongst them is Asru the temple singer, apparently it is one of the most famous mummies in Britain. The Guardian wrote that the singer 'suffered what must have been agonising arthritus in her neck, and that under the beautiful, undisturbed wrappings of a mummy of a bearded man, there is the chaotic jumble of old bones and no brain'. 

'She died around 750BC, and was given to the museum in 1825 with some of the original wrappings, and her lavishly painted double coffins, which revealed her name and that she had been a singer in a temple at Karnak'. 


'Earlier research on Asru showed that although wealthy and highly regarded enough for an expensive funeral, her body was riddled with parasites including intestinal worms, which would have produced miserable side effects including anaemia and diarrhoea, but probably would not have killed her. The new scans suggest that although she lived into her 50s, at some point she must have been doing hard physical labour, as the arthritis was probably caused by carrying heavy weights on her head.
The other mummies scanned bear the startlingly realistic portraits painted in pigment thickened with wax, made around 2,000 years ago in a fusion of Greek, Roman and Egyptian artistic traditions in the Fayum region, which astonished the west when they were first discovered. Most of the portraits painted on wooden panels, originally bandaged on to cover the heads of the mummies, were separated more than a century ago from the bodies, so the intact examples in Manchester are particularly valuable.' 

The rest of the article from The Guardian is interesting for anyone that is interested in Egyptology and how they are scanning the mummies at a local children's hospital.  [8]

Another article shares the following with us about Asru and the disease that she had.

'Two species of the parasite - Schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma mansoni - cause disease in modern Egypt. Both were present in ancient times. Today, schistosomiasis is controlled by programmes to clear snails from the canals, public health education, and mass chemotherapy using the drug Praziquantel. International teams are trying to develop a vaccine against the disease.' 

Do you remember the snail paintings? 










1 comment:

  1. More information about this and about the 180 degrees. It includes the Kellogg dream received in May 2012.
