
Wednesday 5 June 2013

High Blood Pressure Research

At different times in my life I am called to look at different diseases to help people to resolve them. This project is about High Blood Pressure. When I am looking at a disease for a person, I always look at  what is available as far as the research is concerned. Unless; I have already had success with that particular health condition. I like to find out as much as I can, as well as be guided with it.

My experience is that if there is a serious disease manifesting; it indicates that it is essential that there is a lifestyle change and complete review of what a person is consuming. Hence change of diet is always essential for the healing process for the body. HBP like other health issues can be overwhelming if a person is on their own with it. So it is essential that people have someone to do it with them, to mentor them and keep them on the right track.

The lady is also experiencing water retention, and she currently drinks 2 litres of water a day. So we have to find out why the body is holding on to the water in addition to HBP. Is it due to the drugs that she is being given, or is there something else going on?

One aspect to note is that people that take their power back from the medical profession; utilize a BP monitor so that they can keep a very close check on what is happening in the body.

Its a known fact by the medical profession that 'stress' is the co-creator of 85% of all disease and HBP is no different. Stress also impacts on the adrenals that then impacts on kidney functionality. There is a website that shares about 'Adrenal Fatigue' and it can be the cause of a great deal of tiredness that is experienced. It also indicates a weak kidney and spleen. When I saw my friend I felt drawn to massage her right foot. She could feel pain in the area of her bone on the front of her big toe, that reflects the face and what is going on there. Massaging there can alleviate the tension in the head and sinus.

The hectic pace of life combined with poor posture often leads to headaches and tension in head, neck and shoulders. Of course poor posture can also relate to wearing high heels, so her body is probably out of alignment as well.

In Reflexology the front of the big toe is to do with her head and sinuses. She admitted that she had a head cold for the last three months. The Adrenals also impact on the pineal gland as well. In my experience Garlic is the great defender to keep the colds away, and her head cold indicates a weak endocrine system due to dietary deficiencies. Celery and celery soup is excellent for adrenal recovery.

Interesting that Dr Maoshing Ni reports that people living in rural areas in China, Brazil and Africa show no signs of hypertension, even with advance age. According to the medical research, Western diet is the number one factor in the creation of hypertension. The doctor recommends 'Fish', 'Flaxseed Oil', 'Celery Juice', 'Olive Oil', and 'Cucumber' and asks people to avoid 'Salt', 'Coffee', 'Refined Sugar', 'Alcohol'. [1]

1. 'High blood pressure sends blood whooshing through the arteries with damaging force. It weakens the arteries, overworks the heart, stirs up blood clots, and tosses them out.' 

2. 'HBP drugs have side effects' it is often an expanding cycle, because the more drugs they are given the more drugs they have to be given. 

3. Researchers at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver found that weight loss (with exercise) worked as well as drugs to reduce blood pressure'. 

4. 'People can have high blood pressure for years without symptoms. HBP is a reflection of a cardiovascular system that is bursting internally.' Author of the McDougall Program for a Healthy Heart. 

5. Medical experts agree that 'LOSING WEIGHT' is the first task to tackle when trying to lower blood pressure. In fact, people who are 30% overweight are most likely to develop HBP. Dropping even 5-10 pounds can have a beneficial effect on HBP. The person is double the weight that she should be for her size, she has increased in size since the doctors put her on the blood pressure tablets. She is also receiving injections for Vit B because her body refuses to absorb it. 

6. Fiber, calcium and potassium is effective in helping point 5. Potassium and calcium are two minerals that act like massage on a tense body. They help the blood vessels to relax. Fiber queens, apple, pears and oranges. Bananas are very high in potassium and one a week provides the potassium that a person in good health requires. The person that I am currently looking at doesn't eat enough fruit, or fresh vegetables and she appears to have an issue with the 'texture' and 'tastes' of certain foods. However, she can have the essential fruits in smoothies. 

7. Research states that older people tend to be more sensitive to salt as do African-Americans. Salt should be reduced to an absolute minimum in people with HBP. If eaten at anytime should only be natural rock salt. 

8. No processed foods. The body was made to process food, not eat processed foods. I also recommend replacing wheat and yeast products with oats and rye. No pasta! Barley is also excellent. Its about developing a diet that a person likes and encouraging them to try new things as well. 

9. CAYENNE PEPPER is an essential for people for HBP. She likes black pepper so I have asked her to carry some cayenne pepper with her for when she goes out. This is an excellent link on cayenne. 

Cayenne has been known to stop heart attacks within 30 seconds. For example, when a 90-year-old man in Oregon had a severe heart attack, his daughter was able to get Cayenne extract into his mouth. He was pronounced dead by the medics, but within a few minutes, he regained consciousness. On the way to the hospital, he remained in a semi-conscious state, but the daughter kept giving him the Cayenne extract. By the time they got to the hospital, he had fully recovered and wanted to go home and mow the lawn. The doctor asked what she had given him, as he said it was the closest thing to a miracle he had ever seen.

10. GARLIC another essential to be eaten raw. Raw garlic also helped a lady with Crohn's and she eat it in a sandwich. One report given was to crush a clove of garlic, leave it for five minutes, then swallow with water like a pill. Four cloves of garlic a day until the blood pressure normalizes. 

11. HEREDITARY, susceptibility to HPB can be hereditary and runs in families. Hence why it is very important that people break the never ending cycles in this era. Otherwise her daughter and grand daughter will experience the same health issues if she does not resolve it. So this isn't just about helping herself by taking her power back, it is about helping the rest of her family as well. It isn't just hereditary in recent generations. My research has proven to me that this goes back to ancient times in India, and it comes down the female line in her case. Her mother was Indian and they lived in Malaysia prior to coming to live in England as a six year old child. 

On the 4th of April, 2013, an Indian doctor, Shimona Kanwar released a paper called 'Prevalence of hypertension among lower, and middle class population of India'. The numbers of Indians with this disease is very high indeed. 23.1% in men and 22.6% in women. 25% of the world's population has it. [2] 

Asian people also tend to have weight issues when eating a Western diet, in addition to issues around the solar plexus and stomach. Hence, Asians should return to the diet that their bodies were made for. 

On the day that I saw her, the LORD spoke to me and he said 'Post Trauma' and 'Ishmael'. Hence, the root causes of HPB are related to trauma experienced in previous generations and past lives. No surprise then that the United Arab Emirates has a very high incidence of HBP, as many Indians have worked in the Middle East down the ages. Including her Indian aunt that was nursing there during WW2. As such past life healing is an essential therapy for anyone with HBP. Her birthday being on 9/11 is also significant, and we will share a contribution on the astrological and numerical aspects in a different post. 

12. REIKI was given to her as a birthday gift yet she is still to use it to help herself on a daily basis. It has been proven scientifically that Reiki healing provides more oxygen to the blood.

People with HPB tend to go for the easy option so putting their health into the hands of the medical profession seems the easy thing to do, pop a pill and the problem will go away. However, any ill-health has to be worked with to heal the root causes of the core issues that are impacting on our bodies. The tablets are simply a band-aid while the disease is festering underneath due to it not being dealt with; in the way that the body is shouting to be healed. 

PLEASE NOTE: I do not recommend anyone stop taking their HPB tablets due to the seriousness of the disease. This condition has to be very carefully monitored prior to eliminating the drugs. 

13. FORGIVENESS, people that suffer from HPB tend to have a history of unforgiveness. So forgiveness is essential for them and it opens the gateways of the heart. The lady in question has become a lot more forgiving since she did a two-day Reiki healing training course. Also there was a lifestyle change at that point, and she began drinking less alcohol and resting more. Justice is also very important to her, and she has a very strong will and Spirit. 

14. PATIENCE, in my observations patience can also be an issue with HPB people. That would link back to the 'Post Trauma' in past lives and generations when people refused to listen to wisdom. The LORD favors wisdom, and whomever wisdom favors, the LORD favors as well. Proverbs 8. 

It is natural for a person suffering from HPB to simply get up and walk out to avoid a serious confrontation due to their health issues. They would rather not be around any people who are 'negative'. There was a trigger point with the Buddhists when they refused to listen to wisdom, and truth that was being shared and I do feel that is also a past life issue to be healed. 

It is imperative that people are willing to look at what triggers them to help them to understand what they are being asked to heal. So for instance with some people it can be family, sometimes partners, children or friends. We attract into our lives what is essential for the healing process. So that we can resolve what is going on in the body. 

15. WILLINGNESS TO CHANGE. HPB is involved in strokes and heart attacks and we know scientifically that 'anger' is the biggest predictor of heart disease. Strokes are also related to people who 'refuse to change, they would rather die than change'. As such, their characters can be what is known as 'fixed'. Once they make their mind up, it is very hard to shift them. So these people have to be willing to change, accept help that is offered, try new things, be willing to change their diets and lifestyle that will make their lives a lot more comfortable, healthy and fulfilling. 

The lady involved in this case study is willing to change now and put the effort in, she just has to be shown how. 

16.  FISH OIL, if you are a non fish eater than Omega 3 fish oil can be drunk or taken in a capsule. The advice given is take a capsule 30 minutes prior to eating a full meal. 

17. VIT C, 6g a day, builds collagen and she said that she had taken it for three months and had stopped. I asked her to take it again and to introduce fruit smoothies into her daily diet. This little book is an absolute gem and I had a copy of it for many years. It is packed full of information and medical research to do with food. I highly recommend it as a little book to begin with, and to give to your friends that might be having any health issues that are related to diet and lifestyle. 

18. LYMPH NODE, I am feeling work has to be done with the lymph nodes with this lady and I will get her working with that. Toxins in lymph nodes can relate to smoking and also the amount of 'diet coke' that she has drunk during her lifetime. That same could apply to people that drink a lot of coffee. Although the lady in question does not drink hot drinks at all. 

As we know, 'coke is a poison' to the body in any form and this would also impact on kidney functionality. 

19. HOT FLUSHES, in menopause are another symptom of HBP. Her body does not absorb Vit B either so the question is why? What part of her body is not absorbing Vit B and the reason why? While I was pondering on that the heavenly Father said 'Canine', and 'Canine' is to with teeth! No coincidence that her name begins with B and she is not absorbing Vit B. So this does relate to self-acceptance and self-love. B is not loving B in the right way and as such, her body is not absorbing the Vitamin with the initial of her name. Major message for her! Basically, the body is telling her no, if you won't do what is healthy for me, and look after me, then I am not going to do what B wishes for me to do. Hence, no Vit B, being absorbed naturally. 

20. APPLE CIDER, Ok, we have the Cayenne Pepper, Garlic and now we are adding the Apple Cider. A teaspoon can be taken each day in the morning and before bedtime, some people take it three times a day.  It can also be taken with water. At Easter time 2013, the one known as Jesus also asked me to drink 'Vinegar' and 'Water'. 

21. SPLEEN, just by looking at her I can see that her spleen is weak. The spleen is about 'Identity', 'Who am I?' that is often felt by Asian children when they are taken to new shores. Or they are born into a mixed marriage. 

So there is some more 'inner child' healing work to be done. That also relates to the power centre of the solar plexus that is related to powerful virtue and what one does with one's powerful energy. Good exercise can impact on the spleen. She is a good walker. However, she requires exercise that works with the torso most of all to get her chi energy moving effectively. Dancing and swimming would be good. However, we shall look into everything that is available including Pilates etc.  

Of course making love moves every muscle in the body and she is single at the moment.  I am being given yoga as I write this. That tells me that stretching is required. Of course, an Asian person should do the exercise that is native to their spiritual heritage. Shiatsu would also be good for her at this point in time to give her a kick-start; because Shiatsu is all about stretching the body while working with the chi energy. 

The spleen is also about 'Awareness of Self' and this can relate to comprehending the body and what is going on with it. Getting in tune with the body and aligning with its requirements on a daily basis. Becoming aware of the synchronicity that is aiding you, and what the soul of the body is showing you. 
'Identity' and 'Awareness of Self' impacts on the spleen, kidney and bladder meridians. This is about being true to the self, her origins, and nurturing the self in the right way. 

For the spleen, Gurudas recommends the following essences. 

'Comfrey', 'Lotus' (big smiles!) and 'Squash'. I did recommend 'Butternut squash soup' for her aunt that was experiencing 'leg ulcers', and adding Cayenne pepper to it would spice it up nicely! 

There is also a flower essence recommended for 'sweat glands' and it is 'Bo'. 

22. CANINE, I will have to discuss teeth with her next time we speak to each other. However, teeth tells me there is a 'metal miasm' to clear in her body, and natural honey is the best remedy for that. So point 22 is about HONEY to counteract the canine that created the metal miasma. Honey is also to do with wisdom and wisdom is the answer to her health issues. No coincidence either the Bees that provide the honey also have the letter B! 

23. BLOODROOT, I did some research on the appropriate flower essence for HPB and Gurudas recommends a flower called 'Bloodroot'. It is native to the USA and Canada, although it originated in Elmuria e.g. India. The essence was taken at times when there was a radical shift happening in the early phase of the development of Elmuria. It aids in the development of the endocrine system and it has an interesting connection with the 'Fish People' culture that apparently existed prior to Elmuria. 

Bloodroot activates the heart chakra, strengthens the cellular of the body. Eases radiation and heavy metal miasms. B's English dad was a spiritual healer and ran a healing centre with a homeopath. So b comprehends what I am sharing with her about flower essences, and homeopathic implications about energetic disease that is transgenerational. 

24. INTELLECT, people who suffer from HPB tend to intellectualize too much, think to much, rationalize to much instead of just going with the flow of life. They are often deep thinkers and suffer from what is known as 'Mental Chatter'. In other words their minds never rest. I have a perfect exercise for that. 

25. MEDITATION is essential for them and she was given two healing meditation CD's. However, she is not the kind of person that would listen to a meditation every week. Meditation is not given as a relaxation therapy, it is a catalyst for their healing process due to them living in their heads a lot of the time. That is why we ask people to lay down your heads and pick up your heart! 

26. HIBISCUS TEA, there is some great research on the power of Hibiscus tea for lowering high blood pressure and it is also a diuretic. However, she will not drink tea, and does not drink hot drinks. So she will have to do her research and see if she can get 'Hibiscus' in a different form to take. 

27. METABOLISM, different people metabolize food differently, that can be the reason why some people put on weight and others don't when they eat the same food together. Also depending on their astrological make-up their bodily fluids will also respond differently. However, Aubergine is very good for metabolism, see the Aubergine Paprika recipe post for a link on all of its wonderful nutrients. 

What I will do for my friend is ask her what veggies she likes, and provide her with recipes that include what she likes. In addition, to making some other important dietary interventions specifically related to her achieving optimum health. One of those interventions is the 'Palm Oil'. 

28. PALM OIL, the palm oil is going to be used in the massage of head, face, neck and lymph nodes. Used as a moisturizer and also for healing. Palm oil has the same beneficial compound as barley and it is very good for blood pressure.  So it will be taken internally and externally due to it being brought into my life last week. 

29. PUMPKIN SEEDS, are also excellent for HBP and can be eaten as a snack or on salads. I like pumpkin and sunflower seeds. 

30. AROMATHERAPY OILS, when looking at her aunts health condition with the 'leg ulcers' in 2012.  I was guided to give 'Sandalwood' and that is for the root, it is a balancing oil and for the immune system. The other oil was 'Frankincense' that is for the heart. It works as an astringent, antiseptic, and is very uplifting. However, I will test specifically for B and see what comes because every single case is unique. I have also recommended some reflexology treatments with a friend of hers who is a fully trained Reflexologist. 

Well that is a lot for anyone to take on board in one go, so we shall just have to take it one step at a time. As we move through the case study, it will be interesting to see how quickly this situation can be resolved. It is an holistic approach, mind, body and soul.

So we shall begin with the fresh garlic, cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, honey, the smoothies (she is already taking Vit C)  and some breakfast recipes. The smoothies that I would recommend at this point are a choice of the following:  

Orange, mango, & passion fruit. 
Pineapple, banana, & coconut. 
Banana and strawberry

This is about helping B to become an empowered healer of herself, and the miracle worker that she was born to be. However, she requires some help to kick start the healing defence so that her own dynamic self-healing system can work at its optimum. Once she experiences the difference it makes to her own health and well-being. I feel sure her real identity will unfold before her. For I know who she is but it time for her to find out who she is.


3. Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing by Gurudas 


  1. More research for this topic of health. This time it is the importance of the melon and its seeds.

  2. Melon and Barley Soup

  3. Heartwarming Healing Soup
