
Monday 17 June 2013


In the early hours of this morning this painting came in and I have called it 'Mouth'. Due to the fact that when I woke up this morning I saw lips that were feminine. It is also divine providence that yesterday Putin was communicating with Cameron about Syria and he mentioned the organ of the heart and what the 'rebels' did to it.

If you see an open mouth it can be a message that you must open your mouth and you must speak. In Judaism, it is about the 'Fruit of the Lips', and the words that are spoken by the one that is sent by the LORD. The mouth is also the level of consciousness of 'We are blessed', it comes in a time of your life when you are blessed to bless others with the fruit from your lips.

Last night I was also writing about the 'Bedroom Tax' and how the LORD had said that it was the 'Enemy of the State'. Yes, that is right the 'Bedroom Tax is the enemy of the state of the being of the people'. It has also been proven to be the 'procurement of suicide' and there have been at least two suicides due to it since it began in April in the UK. One of the men that took his own life over council tax was an inventor. He said that it was enough. The media wrote about how the local council had 'hounded him to death' for years.

The mouth and lips are also to do with the open throat chakra, when it is aligned with the open thymus and open heart. Only when they are aligned do people speak from the heart. Its all about the heart of communication, and there is certainly an art to it and how to speak in a way that is healthy for you, your being, and the consciousness of humanity.

That is why the teachings of Jesus included communication and how to communicate. Those teachings can also be found in Judaism for the one known as Jesus was Jewish, and Israeli.

It is another reason why Archangel Michael delivered teachings about communication to help humanity with their well-being. Those divine teachings were distributed to spiritual people around the world. It was imperative that they comprehended those divine teachings and its vast implications. Those that were meant to receive them did so. The spiritually elect were given them to distribute and integrate into their lives.

Archangel Michael knew that communication was going to be part of the identification of those that have done good. My life was put into the hands of Jesus, I became the 'winnowing fan' in his hand. The 'winnowing fan', the 'Fruit of the Lips', to help you all. What did the Son of God say in 2007?

'Those that remain silent are compliant to the suffering in the world'. 

When a person is vibrating at this level of consciousness it is about speaking about the will of the LORD that is compelled by the heart to do so, and blessed to do so.

In spiritual symbology the mouth and lips can have different meanings. Author J.C. Cooper shares with us that the Aztecs viewed it as the 'all-consuming earth'. 'Opening the mouth is judgement', 'Powers of Speech', 'Uttering words of Power'. 'The Golden Mouth is the teachings of the Buddha'. 'The mouth of the river takes on the symbolism of a door or gateway, as access to another realm, the ocean of unity'.

It also speaks to me of cleaning the mouth, because people open their mouths to clean them. Just like we wash fruit before we eat it. We can also view this in terms of what takes place on the internet forums; and how people communicate together. As we know, most people clean their teeth everyday, do you? Did you have a mouth wash, what was in the mouth wash? Do you know?  Time for the people to ponder upon whether what they say is clean, pure and bright? Those that have become known as the Essenes did it everyday, they were healers of consciousness.

They pondered on the words that they spoke, and whether they were clean and pure. they reviewed their own lives daily, their behavior, and on an on-going basis they implemented self-discipline. They knew that self-discipline was essential to the spiritual pathway of enlightenment. That included the tongue! They always did their utmost to be the best that they could be.

Is writing enough? We have to speak as well.

As the heavenly Father said to me 'They have to hear your voice'.

Why is the voice so important? The voice is an instrument for the word of the LORD, the 'Harp of Faithfulness'.

My voice also carries particular vibrational frequencies for the healing of consciousness. The Creator, created it that way, for his divine purpose. That is why the biblical prophecies spoke of the meditation of the heart; that would come in these last days of the end times. Those that know me well, know that it was delivered in 2000 by the holy mother, and recorded and released into the world in 2001. The second was released in 2002. The first was for healing consciousness, the second was to help people with their direction in life. To help them to find the right spiritual path for them. Both recordings spoke to their souls to enhance their Spirit.

Sometimes it is not easy to tell people what they do not wish to hear. However, it is the manner in which you impart it; that makes the difference in this world.

One day the holy mother gave me some great counsel and she shared her wisdom with me. She shared her wisdom because of the actions of some Church members at a Mind, Body and Spirit Exhibition where I was speaking.

She emphasized the teachings of her Son, 'Never be Afraid'. She asked me to 'Never Step Back', to always 'Step Forward', because I walked in her name. She asked me to pick up their hands, to connect with their hearts, to look deeply into their eyes and tell them that I love them.

Some from the orthodox Church have demonstrated in many ways that they are 'Afraid', especially in the USA. There is no reason to be 'Afraid' of true spiritual people. There is no reason for Hindu's, Muslims, Jews or Christians to be 'Afraid' of those that are true. It is the sheer power of love that is with the elohim to help humanity at this time. We are here, there and everywhere. In every nation and culture. Different spiritual philosophies from different nations know us by different names. That's OK too!

Divine intervention did happen, will continue to happen, until the world comprehends it.

A poster ask me to tell them about my lips. Lotus Feet responded 'Natural'.

They ask about seeking, and they say it never stops or you stop learning and growing, that is the view of some spiritual Americans.

My response is this, it depends on what you are looking for.

To those that look for peace within, they will find it.

To those that look for wholeness; they will attain it.

To those that look for contentment; it shall be given.

To those that looked for me, they found me.

Another man asked 'What would we do without your wisdom Lotus? 'Ask Jesus who helped her to become wisdom, and named her Lotus Feet. A spiritual man said 'Blessed is she that comes in the name of the Lord' and he was blessed. 

Love beyond measure

ELIAKIM aka Lotus Feet

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