
Monday 24 June 2013

Corn/Wheat Prophecy

Let's follow up on the happenings that are taking place in Manchester. [1] However, first let me share with you that the last time I was in Luxor, Egypt, I was compelled to do a Reiki attunement there. Was the soul of the 'temple dancer' driven out and her friends with it at that point in time? I feel it was and the evidence of our experience shows us that at the heart of her being she knows it to be true. Only healing and self-development can help them now.

For there have been many changes in Egypt after our last visit there; that led up to the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. The prophecy that says that what happened in Egypt in 2011, was due to the LORD's fulfillment of the prophecy and his testimony for Joseph and statute for Israel.

The Muslim that was elected recently, the one that was involved in the murder of the British tourists, is also being driven out of Luxor and his political position. So good things are taking place in Egypt in many spheres of influence. I also posted the other day that the magi have gone to Egypt to help them.

However, the main reason for this post is to look at the message to do with corn due to the Kelloggs factory going on fire due to the cornflakes. As mentioned previously, Kelloggs is an American company, its logo of the chicken is 'Green and Red', and America relates to the Rev 18 prophecy. The Nebseni figurine in Manchester Museum was also moving 180 degrees. Same number that relates to the book of Revelation chapter 18. The curator of the museum has the name 'Campbell' [1] and that is a Scottish name. News reports state that Scotland have a high incidence of 'obesity', and as we know so does the USA.

So what do the prophecies say about the corn? It only appears to have the word 'wheat' in the NIV translation. Amos 8:5 is a prophecy about this timeline and it mentions how they take the 'wheat' to market, skimping on the measure, boosting the price, and cheating with dishonest scales'. That prophecy also relates to Rev 18 and the 'stock markets'.

In the book of Matthew, it mentions the winnowing fan and that is a whole prophecy in itself because the winnowing fan knows what to do with the wheat. The winnowing fan clears the threshing floor, and the one that does the threshing is daughter Zion mentioned in Micah 4. The woman that was sent to the USA at the end of April 2008, when the Prince of Peace Church in Philadelphia burned to the ground. Hence, the prophecy in Matthew continues with the gathering of the wheat. After my return from the USA, in 2009, I was asked divinely to 'bring the wheat into the barn', it was at that time that I began to interpret the meanings of the crop circles on the previous blog.

It also mentions the 'unquenchable fire', and the fire is to do with Jacob in the Obadiah prophecy. Jacob is the fire, Joseph is the flame and Esau is stubble. As we know, Esau is symbolic of the USA, Esau and the men of Edom, the 'Red' and 'Hairy' nation e.g. indigenous natives of the land. The Rabbi's were asked if anything could be done to help Esau? and they were told that only Joseph could help them.

Joseph the unfettered flame of God's love.

In Matthew chapter 13 it mentions how when everyone was sleeping the 'enemy', sowed weeds amongst the wheat, and went away. You could view that in terms of GM crops in addition, to viewing it on a spiritual level. Americans are fully aware that their nation was asleep when their crops were being genetically modified, some now know that GM crops are 'poison' to their bodies. People around the world are also protesting against Monsanto and their produce is being banned in some countries. I did advise people years ago that it would be like a domino effect.

Revelation chapter 6:6 mentions 'two pounds of wheat for a day's wages' and as we know, food prices are currently soaring due to the changes in climate and weather that is being experienced by many nations. People can grow many foods themselves. However, to make it worthwhile to grow your own wheat and corn, people would have to live in ecological and self-sustainable communities where people farm together. Being empowered co-creators also means taking responsibility for what you eat.

Wouldn't' that be wonderful if many of the children returned to having an interest in farming and living the simple life on the land?

The biblical prophecies do predict that people will be happy to say 'I am a farmer' again. There will be an 180 degree turn in humanity you can be sure of that. Sowing and reaping what you sow in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law of the cosmos.


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