
Monday 24 June 2013

Anti-biotic Beer in Ancient Nubia

In the last post I shared the message about 'Abu Simbel'. [1] That then leads us to Nubia and the Nubians. The prayer on the Nebseni figurine was asking for beer and the ancient Nubians drank a special beer that included an anti-biotic.

The Discovery website share the following with us:

- Human use of antibiotics began not 80 years ago, but nearly 2,000 years ago along the banks of the Nile River.

- Those ancient people got tetracycline out of fermented grain that they used to brew beer.

- Everyone drank the antibiotic-laced beer often, starting as early as age two.

People have been using antibiotics for nearly 2,000 years, suggests a new study, which found large doses of tetracycline embedded in the bones of ancient African mummies. [2] 

See link for more information. [2] 

Now the figure of Nebseni has been at the Manchester museum for 80 years. Is it a coincidence that it starts moving after 80 years? Did the sun move its position, did they change the music in the museum? Was it a combination of both? We know fact that music impacts on sand, does it have a similar impact on sandstone in the right environmental conditions? Did it move due to the heat of the sun? Or is there more to this phenomenon? 

They have also found a royal city in Nubia and the Nubians source link state that they became kings of Egypt during the 25th dynasty.  [3]

I have beautiful lights appearing on my right hand. Like the color in the Europe painting. 




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