
Friday 3 May 2013


On the 1-4th May 2013, post I included a prophetic painting of 'Wood' grain that had come to be. [1] Musical instruments are also made from wood and sadly, Chris Kelly from 'Kriss Kross' passed over on the 1st of May. May he rest in peace.

My eye was just drawn to the clock and it is 4.44 am.

The Economist has featured an article on 'Genetically Modified Trees: Into the Wildwood'. [2]

The article mentions 'Syracuse', the 'University of Georgia', in Athens.

Nostradamus also gave a 'Syracuse' prophecy that describes Obama, and in 2012 a video was created about that.

The article mentions the American Chestnut tree and I also received a painting of the Red Chestnut in 2012.

As we know every time scientists interfere with nature, there is a natural correspondence that back fires on them due to them impacting on the ecology of the planet and its species. The prophecies also predicted that the deeds of the nations would come back down on their own heads.

Seriously, modifying trees genetically is a major warning sign for the USA. Truly, the consequences would be beyond measure. It really is time that people come to comprehend the spiritual law of consequences that relates to cause and effect. There is no time for remorse like Einstein, after the event; because by then the damage has already been done to the planet and its people.

That is why when people asked Jesus to wait until they had buried their dead family, he told them to let the dead bury the dead. He had no time for those that were living in 'attachment' to earthly realities due to the sheer importance of his mission and what he had come to do. It wasn't due to a lack of compassion or mercy. He simply had more important things to do; to share the way of life with the people, and save as many as he could in the time that he had. In the teachings of Judaism, that we find in the didache the Christian/Jewish community that were responsible for that text appear to be justifying why his mission in Israel only lasted three years.

We also know that the Jewish community were not impressed when the Jewish Christians fled from Israel. However, did they flee Israel due to the Romans? Or did they see that the writing was on the wall with the Jewish orthodox? Its hard for the orthodox to take responsibility for what they have done, and that applies to all of them.

Did the followers of the Lute of Lovingkindness leave because they were looking for the next paraclete to come? We do know that many went to the Islands to look for the one that had been promised to come.  We also know that the Romans tried to get Saul to fill those shoes. However, Paul was not a woman, and the real Apostles of Jesus knew that a woman was coming as predicted. The Harp of Faithfulness!

There are always two ways to look at a story, and words have more than one meaning!

As the heavenly Father said 'Tap on Wood'.

LORD keep us.



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