
Thursday 2 May 2013

Orange Family

Tonight people were writing about their messages from Jesus, and so it was, I shared my experience of what happened while I was writing the post on the 'Red Sea News'. Let us begin with the orange family and its tree.

The wonderful healthy orange trees. Sometimes I like to just hold an orange and smell it. Oranges remind me of Greece and Spain, of happier, carefree times. Family times and also of my spiritual life.

They remind me of the joy experienced in the Rev 12 timeline when I was working with Archangel Michael. I also wore that Buddha color when I was teaching Reiki healing. The colour of the sun and its sunshine. This was some of our Reiki group in the Canaries over a decade ago.

I have extended family that were born in Spain, and my parents also attended weddings there, a great affection for Spain, and many holidays were enjoyed there during my young life. 

My experience of Jesus today when he drew close to me, was the sheer power and heat of his love. He was pleased with what I was doing and writing and that is why he drew close to me.  He was also wishing to confirm that we are still on track. He does know what is taking place in my life, and how hard it is for me right now. He was letting me know that things will be attended to as soon as possible. He knows that I cannot live like this for much longer. Jesus knows that he entrusted me with much, and what has been asked of me is beyond measure. He knows that I went way beyond the call of duty, when I heard the cries of the children. Always putting others before my self, even when it meant; it would be to my own detriment to do so. Now it is time for others to come forward, and he will bring them I am sure of that.

I hope that you are happy for me to share, for it is natural for me to express, to live in self-disclosure and give testimony of my divine experiences.  I cannot live any other way, I have to be true to the self, and in so doing, I am true to the divine.


This painting also came to be; and I have called it the 'Orange Family'. Something strange has happened during the scan of it. The white paper as gone yellow, and the orange family have gone pink.

So I scanned it again to show it to you, so you can see what has happened. 

I wrote that the best questions are those that you ask yourself, the holy grail can be found within. A friend liked that. It really is that simple and easy, although you have to ask the right questions.

Is the Orange/Pink family coming? I do feel that the painting is saying yes!


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