
Sunday 21 April 2013

Nostradamus Washington Prophecy C6.Q13

I honor Nostradamus as a great mystic, healer and knower of the ancient prophecies. In my experience he had great insight, and knew that he had to forewarn humanity. He also knew that there would be very few that would comprehend his work.


A doubtful one will not come far from the realm.
The greater part will want to uphold him:
A Capitol will not want him to reign at all.
He will be unable to bear the great burden.

The first key to this prophecy is the word 'Capitol', the second key is the numerics of the quatrain, and the third key is that he did not come from the realm that the 'Capitol' is in, but he did not come far from it. 

As we know Capitol Hill is well known in the USA. Since 1800, the building known as the 'Capitol', has been the home of Congress, of the United States. [1] 

The numerics of the quatrain aligns with Rev 13 and what is contained with it, as we know the number six is also relevant to the chapter. So is it Obama? The one that came 'far from the realm'? Why did they wish to uphold him? Was it because he was the first African-American President of the USA? 

This video was shared today and it is the testimony of a developer, who worked on software development that could impact on, and change the outcome of an election. If you were the president and you knew this had taken place, would it be a 'great burden' on your conscience? 

Can you imagine the sheer impact that such a reality is having upon the psychology and heart of the nation and its children? Truly, could people who live in integrity ever allow such a situation to have been co--created by so many? Not only in the USA, but all around the world. 


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