
Wednesday 17 April 2013

Boston Marathon Cognitive

Well it looks like youtube aka google are censoring what one can post on these new blogs because I tried to upload this video about Boston for this post and it wouldn't allow me to do so. So here's the link instead. I have checked the URL on youtube and it is delivering fine. 


This is being posted because it is to do with the 'Psyche of Americans', and other people around the world. Events like this do impact on the 'psyche' of the people at a very deep level, especially when the health detectives know that there has been government involvement. 

This is not the first event in Boston. There was the colliding of the planes in 2011, the hotel on fire in 2012, and now this, the third event that usually constitutes the third warning to the people in that region. As the deliverer of the video above explains, there were few casualties. Yet due to it happening at a public event, MSM are raining it down like rocks of hail on their heads. 

This painting of the fire bomb came to be on the 13th of March, 2013 and was posted at that point in time. 


In addition, in recent years we have asked the people to stay out of the cities and away from large public events. In recent days the LORD also mentioned the 'COGNITIVE', and a link on 'Cognitive War' was provided at that time. Then came the warning on 'a big sign coming, I can feel it in my water, as I sit on the edge of my seat.  Look to the heavens, land and sea, for you will see it coming.  Water up the nose'. It was posted on the 11th of April, 2013. It was posted with the lyrics of the song. 'An ancient  sign of coming storm'. A couple of other people also contributed and shared what they had been feeling clairsentiently.

After that there was the 'Bali Lion Plane Crash' that was clearly felt to be coming in the above message. 

On Sunday, April 14 at 22.03 this was posted and sent to people around the world. 

Today when I woke up from rest, I had a cold nose. Immediately, intuitively, I knew, a 'cold war is as close as your nose'. One can view that in different ways and it does include the climate change folks that are warning of an 'ice age'. We always knew that the Obama titanic would hit an iceberg that would take his ship down with a lot of people of on it. 

 "As we know the bible also spoke about the 'cold' time and that can manifest in many different ways especially to do with 'indifference'."

Then the event took place at the Boston Marathon, in the USA. Will it shake Americans out of their 'apathy' like '9/11' did with many? Or will the impact of what's happened make more people 'indifferent' to what is taking place in their countries? Will the diamond rocks shatter, will it humble them? 

In 2005, A review article by Robert van Reekum, MD, et al. from the University of Toronto in the Journal of Neuropsychiatry (2005) claimed that "depression and apathy were a package deal" in some populations which may help illustrate what people mean when they say that "The opposite of love is not hate, it is apathy." [1]


'So what is the solution? It is written that it is 'Comprehension'. However, what to do with the people that do not wish to look, or see, or comprehend the timeline and what is going on and the reasons why?

Did Spirit speak to me of comprehension in the past? Well yes, in the early days, sometimes I would ask a question and I would be told that it was beyond your current comprehension. So it is for many people in the early stages of rapid spiritual growth and advancement. However, as time goes by, your comprehension opens up more and more.

'Challenge moves people beyond their current comprehension'.

I was challenged many times by Spirit, and those challenges took a long time to integrate because it completely changed my worldview and how I viewed myself and others. What good would it have done if what the divine taught me agreed with everything that is written biblically? No, Spirit were taking me into a higher reality and an expanded heart that could be filled with what the divine chose to fill it with.

In 2007, Jesus also said 'Those that remain silent are compliant to the suffering in the world'. At the time of receipt, I viewed it in a singular way, although in my heart, I know that his messages of wisdom are profound, and have meanings far beyond the obvious.

So ponder on what is written deeply, and you may like to consider the consequences of this. It is true that Jesus found the same amongst the people themselves, that is why he concentrated on healing consciousness to help the people to shift. That is why I was shown and taken the same way as he had done and still does. To many that represents the new paths that the prophecies predicted. 

The bible prophecies speak of the 'deliverers' that would come in this timeline. In the deliverers there is hope, there is love and there is right will for the benefit of the people and the children of the world.

Our people and planet can be delivered, it can be restored, when people are ready to restore themselves with the help of the deliverers.

Prophecy predicted divine intervention. It did happen, does happen and will continue to happen until people truly understand it. Thank you for your love that is here, there and everywhere.' 

So how do you feel about Boston and what are you prepared to do about what you feel? 

It's your call Boston, third and final warning. 



1 comment:

  1. Arise, O LORD, do not let man prevail. Let the nations be judged before You. Let the nations know that they are but men. Selah.

    Those who know your name will put their trust in you, for you, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you.

    Psalm 9 mentions a person that was lifted up from death and how they spoke of your praises, that in the gates of daughter Zion, they do rejoice in salvation.
